Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thursday May 1st

This Thursday, May 1st, we will be concluding our series on Social Justice. For the first talk we discussed what it meant to be a disciple and watched a brilliant video by Rob Bell titled Dust. If you missed the video, you may watch it here:

Dust Part1
Dust Part2

We've also been working through a devotional produced by MPPC, which may be found here.

Join us this Thursday for the conclusion of our Social Justice/Compassion series. We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park and you are always welcome to join us!

Discussion #1 –


Monday, April 14, 2008

Thursday, April 17th

This week we will begin our 3-week series on Social Justice presented by Betty Ann. A devotional is available and you are encouraged to read through the first two chapters for this Thursday to prepare for the discussion. You may access the devotional here:

Monday, April 7, 2008

Fun Night! Miniature Golf - Thursday April 10

Announcing Miniature Golf Night This Thursday April 10th in Redwood City! We will not be meeting at the 700 Santa Cruz building, instead we will meet in the Malibu Castle at 7:00 PM.

What? Miniature Golf

Where? Malibu Castle 320 Blomquist St. Redwood City

When? This Thursday, April 10th, 7:00 PM

Directions: Take 101 Freeway NORTH to the Seaport Boulevard/Woodside Road exit. Stay RIGHT at the fork and take Seaport Boulevard (EAST). Make a LEFT at the first stop light onto Blomquist Street. Malibu Grand Prix is the first driveway on your LEFT, Malibu Castle is just a bit further on your LEFT.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Discussion Questions for Thursday, April 3rd

Mark 16 Discussion Questions

Verses 1-13
* Marys find empty tomb with angel inside
* Jesus appears to Mary and non-disciples

1. How would you describe the feelings and thoughts of the women as they set out for the tomb?

2. What options did they have if they encountered the stone still in place?

3. What things that the angel told the women had Jesus already told them? When did Jesus tell them?

4. What were the disciples doing when they were told the good news and what was their response?

Verses 14-20
* Jesus commissions followers to proclaim the gospel to the world

5. In what order and to whom did Jesus reveal Himself? Why do you think He did not start by revealing Himself to His inner circle band of 11 disciples?

6. What do you think was the mood in the room when Jesus appeared to the 10 disciples?

7. What was Jesus' parting command / instruction to His followers?

8. What is the gospel / Good News? Can you summarize it?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thursday, April 3th

This Thursday, April 3th, we will be discussing Mark chapter 16. We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Read ahead of time so you'll be ready for the discussion. The Daily Page Homework may be found here. We look forward to seeing you!

Mark 16 - Jesus Rises from the Dead; Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene; Jesus Appears to Two Believers Traveling on the Road; Jesus Appears to the Disciples Including Thomas; Jesus Gives the Great Commission; Jesus Ascends into Heaven
(NIV Headings)

Questions may not be available until Thursday Night.

--questions by