Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Impact Breaks for the Summer!

Hello Impacters!

Impact is taking a break for the summer! Be sure to check the events blog for summer events and send me an email if you're interested in other ways you can get information about events!

Please be aware that I only check email on Wednesdays!

Have a great summer!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Impact Thursday June 16th

Ephesians 6
1.  Why do you think Paul says, “Fathers do not exasperate or anger your children”?  How do parents anger their children in ways that are not good for them?
2.  "In 6:12, Paul seems to make a distinction between 'principalities, authorities, and rulers'.  Is this distinction important?  Is it a rhetorical device used to encompass all people and organizations in authority?  Is there another option?  How does this change your understanding of the passage, if at all?"
3.  Knowing some of the Bible’s other names for the devil can help us figure out his schemes.  Have you encountered any of the ones mentioned in the following passages?   
            Matt 12:24                                                            Rev. 12:9
            Matt  13:19                                                            1 Thess. 3:5
            John 8: 44                                                            1 Peter 5:8
4.  What is the difference between “the day of evil” Paul mentions in 6:13 and when he says, “the days are evil” in Chapter 5:16?
5.  Why don’t we as Christians pay more attention to spiritual matters?  (Spiritual warfare specifically?)
6.  How does a believer “put on” the armor of God?
7.  What does it mean to pray in the Spirit?  How can we pray in the Spirit on all occasions?  How’s this spiritual discipline going for you?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Impact Thursday June 9th

Greetings Impacters!
Study: Ephesians 5
Speaker: Jeff Finger
Location: 700 Santa Cruz Blvd., 6/9/11 7:00 PM

Events at a Glance:
Prayer Night: Friday June 17th, 7:00 PM at Grant's
Study Questions:

1. According to 4:32 – 5:2 how can we be more like Christ?

2. Have you ever been deceived by empty words? How did you realize they were empty?

3. Living like “Children of the Light” means . . .

4. According to v. 15-20 what does living wisely look like? Are you becoming wise in these ways?

5. What does it mean to “be subject to” or to “submit to one another”?

6. Think of the best Christian marriage you know of, how does it reflect God’s relationship with the church?

7. As a group of mostly unmarried people how does this description of a Christian marriage and Christ’s relationship to the church apply to us?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Impact Thursday June 2nd!

Hello Impacters!

Happy June! This week we'll continue in our excellent study of Ephesians with Ephesians 4 as Paul continues his message about unity and Christian living. Please read Ephesians 4 and review the questions below. We'll meet at our normal time and place, 7:00 PM at 700 Santa Cruz Blvd, Menlo Park.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why does Paul use the metaphor of a body when trying to describe the relationship of Christians to one another?
2. How have you helped preserve the “Unity of the Spirit”?
3. Read Psalm 68:18. What is the grace Paul is referring to in verse seven?
4. What are your spiritual gifts? Where do you feel called to use them?
5. How does speaking the truth in love promote maturity in Christ?
6. How is being mature in Christ different than being a mature person?

7. What does verse 30 reveal about the Holy Spirit? How can the Holy Spirit be grieved?