Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Impact - Oct 13

Scott Palmbush will be speaking on John 1 verses 29-51.

Read John 1:29-34
1. Read John 1:29-34 List all the statements John makes about Jesus in these verses.

Read John 35-51
a.) List each of the steps taken in v35-39 that resulted in two of John's disciples meeting Jesus.
b.) How can you apply this to your life, so you might help others come to know Jesus?

a.) What name did Jesus give Simon upon meeting him?
b.) Digging deeper: For those who know of Peter's journey as a Christian, why was this new name so significant?
c.) Do you believe Jesus has a new name for you? What new name/s is your heart most longing for?

a.) What invitation did the following disciples extend to those they were close to?
b.) What invitation did Jesus extend to those who came seeking Him?
c.) What reassurance do you receive from this regarding Jesus' command to share the Good News with others?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Impact - Oct. 6

Greetings Impacters!
Study: John
Speaker: Grant Kim
Location: 700 Santa Cruz Blvd., 6/9/11 7:00 PM

This week we are studying John 1 verses 1-18. This passage is the prologue to the Book of John and it is not an overstatement to suggest that these words may be the most significant and profound in the entire Bible.

John 1:1-18 questions

1. Why do you think Jesus Christ is called the Word? List 5 aspects of Jesus Christ we learn from studying the Gospel of John Chapter 1 verses 1-4.

2. Jesus is referred to as the Light. List 5 truths you learn about the Light from reading the Gospel of John Chapter 1 verses 4 though 9.

3. Why do you think the world did not recognize Jesus Christ? What do you think are reasons that the world today does not recognize Christ? What makes it hard for you and I as individuals to recognize Christ?

4. How do we become children of God? What benefit do we receive by being children of God?

5. What does it mean when verse 14 says, "the Word became flesh"? Why did the Word become flesh?