This Thursday Impact will be studying 1 Corinthians 11. In this chapter Paul discusses conduct in worship and we'll discuss how this applies today in the Church. Then Paul talks about what a sacred thing we're doing when we come together and eat the Lord's Supper. I look forward studying this with you this Thursday!
Here are the questions we'll be studying:
Questions by Grant Kim
1 Corinthians 11:2-16
1.) What does it mean for the man to be head of the woman?
2.) Very few of us attend churches today where women wear head coverings. Why do we disobey Paul’s directive? What makes some laws “out of date” and some laws still applicable today?
3.) Is there such as thing as equal but different? If so, are there differences between men and women?
4.) Is Paul a male chauvinist? Do you believe that Paul teaches different roles for men and women?
1 Corinthians 11:17-34
5.) In the 21st century we would never make another group sit at a table with lesser food, but what are some subtle ways we make some people feel first-class and second-class? Are there things we do in Impact or in our circle of friends that make people feel second-class?
6.) Every church has richer and poorer members. Usually richer members donate more money and usually end up in higher positions and make more decisions. Is there anything wrong with this?
7.) Why do we celebrate the Lord’s Supper?