Impact will meet this Thursday to continue our study in Romans with Romans 2. I am pleased to announce Joanie Tankersley as our guest speaker this Thursday. Joanie is pastor of community life at MPPC. Please read the chapter and bring your Bibles. There may be a prize for the first three people who can recite Romans 1:16,17.
Our speaker, Joanie Tankersley, has suggested the New Living Translation as
useful for understanding this week's text. It can be found at:
Discussion Questions:
God's Impartial Judgment, Romans Chapter 2:1-16:
1. Who do you think Paul is writing to?
2. Since Paul didn't use chapter divisions when he wrote the letter, review 1:29-32 and discuss what he is referring to when he says "therefore" in 2:1. What is the "therefore" there for?
3. What are the issues around judgment that Paul is concerned about?
4. How would you compare Paul's declaration in 1:16-17 with his comments in 2: 7-11?
The Jewish Law and True Circumcision, Romans Chapter 2:17-29:
5. What is Paul arguing with his invisible opponent about in regard to the Jewish understanding about the Jews' status before God and how they think it should influence God's judgment?
6. What is Paul driving at in his challenging questions in v.21-23?
7. Paul quotes, about Israel, "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." How have you seen the name of Jesus blasphemed today among non-believers because of Christians? In your own life?
8. How do verses 28-29 apply to Christians, you?