Monday, December 7, 2009

Impact Thursday December 10th

Impact will be meeting this Thursday, December 10th, to study Romans 6. Please read the chapter and review the questions below.

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Discussion Questions
Alive In Christ, Romans Chapter 6:1-14:

1. What do you feel it means to be baptized into His death? How do these Scriptures relate to what you've been taught about baptism?

2. What do you feel Paul means by our "old self' being "crucified" with Christ?

3. Describe "dead to sin" "alive to God."

4. What does it mean to be an instrument of righteousness?

Slaves To Righteousness, Romans Chapter 6:15-22:

1. Since we are not under law, does that mean we're free to live in lawlessness? Explain!

2. Describe what the phrase "slave to sin" means to you. Describe what the phrase "slave to righteousness" means to you.

3. Paul refers to things we offered our bodies to, we are now ashamed of. What are some things you did in the past that now you are ashamed of?

4. What benefits did you think you would receive by doing those things? What benefits did you actually receive?

5. Try to list the benefits you have and will reap from being a slave to righteousness.

Doctrine Of Salvation, Romans Chapter 6:23:

1. What are wages and what do you have to do to get them?

2. What is sin?

3. What is death?

4. What is a gift and what do you have to do to get it?

5. How does Jesus Christ make it possible for us to receive the gift of eternal life?

6. What are some reasons why people don't want to accept the gift of eternal life immediately?

In this one verse, Paul sums up the entire doctrine of salvation and powerfully concludes the first 6 chapters of Romans. The above questions about this verse are a simple way to share Jesus if someone shows interest in knowing about your faith. Remember 3 things about sharing Jesus: Your motivation and life should reflect His love for them. If the Holy Spirit is in it, you won't need to convince them of anything. If they are not ready, you have not done anything wrong. Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase.

Questions by Grant Kim