Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Impact Thursday December 9th

Impact will be continuing our Ruth study with Ruth chapter 4 this week! Please read Ruth chapter 4 and review the questions below. We will meet in our normal place this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz Ave. Building Menlo Park.

Ruth Chapter 4

1. There are many blessings given in the book of Ruth. List the blessings given in Ruth. (Not just Ch 4, the entire book) Which of these blessings were fulfilled? Why is it important to speak blessings into the lives of people around us?

2. Why does Boaz talk to the kinsman-redeemer?

3. Why doesn’t the kinsman-redeemer want to marry Ruth and acquire Naomi’s land?

4. What will happen when Boaz agrees to marry Ruth? What is Boaz’s reward?

5. Why are Boaz’s actions considered righteous? Do you think there are rewards for righteousness? What are they?

6. What sacrifice are you willing to make for God?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Impact Thursday December 2nd

Greetings! This Thursday Impact will continue with Ruth 3! Here are the questions:

RUTH 3 Questions

1. While Ruth was winnowing in the fields during the two harvests (barley, wheat,
from mid April to early June), what do you think Naomi was doing?

2. What might have been Naomi’s agenda behind her comment of verse one?

3. How do you think that Ruth felt when her mother-in-law asked her to take the
actions of vv 2-5?

4. Do you think that there was anyone else at the threshing floor besides Boaz? Why
or why not?

5. How did Boaz know that “all my people in my town know that you are a woman
of noble character?” v11

6. Do the events of vv 7-14 affect your assessment of Ruth’s character?

7. Kinfolk in the Ancient Near East were expected to perform various civic and
judicial duties (don’t forget there were no police, banks, or government). Check
out the verses for these three important roles in early Israelite society:
(1) The avenger of blood. In the case of murder, kin had the family responsibility to
avenge a wrongful death. Num 35:16-28
(2) The redemption of land. (Jer 32:7) Farming was the basic means of survival and
prosperity, and thus land was essential. Land passed down from one generation
to the next, staying within the family. Because of poverty (e.g. in times of famine
or warfare), a family might have to sell its land. Kinfolk had the right to buy back
the land so that it remained within the extended family, and the original family
had the right to buy it back from those kin when times improved. Theoretically
every 50th year, the Year of Jubilee (7x7,+1) the land would revert back to its
original family ownership.
(3) Marriage to a sister-in-law. Deut 25: 5-10. If a married man died childless, his
brother had the obligation to marry his widow in order to perpetuate the family
name. To refuse this responsibility was shameful.

8. How many different story lines do you observe in the book of Ruth?

9. What other observations do you have and what of personal worth do you learn
from this chapter?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Impact Thursday November 18th

Impact will be continuing our Ruth study with Ruth chapter 2 this week! Please read Ruth chapter 2 and review the questions below. We will meet in our normal place this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz Ave. Building Menlo Park.
Please contact Christl at christlclear@gmail.com if you are interested in being placed in a table group. We are looking for those that can commit to 80 % attendance at Impact. Otherwise, we have a place for you at open tables.
Questions for Ruth 2:

1. What is Ruth doing gleaning in fields that are not hers? (See Lev. 19:9-10; Deut: 24:19)

2. These are laws given by God. What does this tell you about God?

3. What seem to have been the risks for women who did this kind of work? (See v. 2, 9, 22) How could the fact that Ruth was a foreigner from Moab have made the situation even more difficult?

4. Whose field did Ruth happen to work in? (2:3) Is there any indication that this was a setup on Naomi’s part or that Ruth even knew about Boaz before this?

5. Can you describe an experience where you thought something in your life happened by chance and then discovered that it was part of God’s bigger plan for you?

6. List facts about Ruth from chps 1 and 2. What does chp. 2 reveal about Ruth’s character?

7. List facts about Boaz from chp. 2. What are some character traits you can infer about Boaz from chp. 2?

8. In what way did Boaz do more than what the law in Q. 1 required? What can you learn from Boaz’s actions?

9. How do you respond to “outsiders?” New people? People who are going through a hard season of life? Is it any different if their circumstances are a result of their own actions?

10. What is one way you can actively give dignity, respect, and kindness to someone in need of it this week?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Impact Thursday November 11th

Impact will be starting a new study in Ruth this week! Please read Ruth chapter 1. We will meet in our normal place this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz Ave. Building Menlo Park.

Please contact Christl at christlclear@gmail.com if you are interested in being placed in a table group. We are looking for those that can commit to 80 % attendance at Impact. Otherwise, we have a place for you at open tables.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Questions for James 5

Questions for James 5 taken from “Be Mature-Growing Up in Christ” by Warren W. Wiersbe

(from James 5:1-6)

1. How does a mature Christian respond in times of trouble?
2. Why does James admonish the rich to weep and howl?
3. What are the sinful ways the rich use their wealth? How do you use your wealth? (personal)
4. What are the consequences of misusing riches?
5. Where do you draw the line between enjoying what God gives you and living a life of luxury?
6. Is it ever okay to have more material wealth than other believers, or should equality be the goal? Why or why not?

(from James 5:7-12)

7. How can Christians find patient endurance as they wait for Christ to return?
8. What three examples of patience does James give? Which of these resonates with you? Why?
9. How are we like “spiritual farmers”?
10. As we read of the prophets, what encouragement do we gain?
11. Why do faithful witnesses to God often undergo suffering and persecution? Where is their reward?
12. What should you do (or not do) when you find yourself in the midst of suffering?

(from James 5:13-20)

13. What were the specific circumstances surrounding the prayer offered for the sick in James 5:14-16?
14. What does it mean to “backslide”? How have you struggled with this in your own life?
15. In many Christian churches today, confronting a Christian brother or sister about sin is the last thing to be done, if it is done at all. Why do you think this is the case?
16. What have you learned from this book that you can take with you as you continue to grow in Christ? Pray and thank God for these things.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Impact Thursday November 4th

Impact will continue this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz Ave. Building Menlo Park. We will continue our study in James with James 5.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Impact Thursday October 21st

Hello Impacters! We will continue this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz Ave. Building Menlo Park. We will continue our study in James with James 4. The questions are below:

These are the questions for James 4. There may be some small changes but for the most part these are it.

James 4

1. What causes us to fight and quarrel (4:1-2)

2. When we ask God for things, what is one reason we may not get what we want? (4:3)

3. Describe a time in your life when you have done and experienced something James describes in 4:1-3

4. From your experience and knowledge of Scripture, what are some of the symptoms of friendship with the world?

5. Why is friendship with the world equivalent to hatred toward God? (4:4) (Optional: See Luke 16:13; Rms 8:5-8)

6. God provides grace to us to overcome our envy, craving for pleasure, and quarreling. Why does He give us this grace only if we are humble? (4:6)

7. How can you actively submit to God in your circumstances today or tomorrow? In what ways do you need to resist the devil today? (4:7)

8. Have you ever wondered why you didn't feel God near to you? What does it look like to draw near to Him? Describe an instance when you knew He was near. (4:8)

9. To slander or judge a fellow believer is to criticize and judge God's law. Why? (4:11-12)

10. What is a person saying about God and self when he makes plans w/o consulting God? (4:13-15)

11. Is it wrong to make plans for the future? If so, why? If not, what kinds of planning are wrong and what kinds are right? (See Luke 12:16 - 20)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Impact Thursday October 14th

Hello Impacters! As usual we'll meet this Thursday at 700 Santa Cruz., Menlo Park 7:00 PM. This Thursday we'll be studying James Chapter 3 about taming the tongue and wisdom. We'll study topics like how James reminds us that we should not both praise and curse with our mouths, since we praise the Lord with our mouths and the Lord created the people we curse.

Discussion Questions:
1.) Who are the teachers that James is talking about in verse 1?
2.) What are the qualifications for being a teacher?
3.) Why do you think it is so hard to tame the tongue but "easier" to stay away from other sins?

4.) How do the "sins" of the tongue corrupt the whole person? What do you think James means when he says the "whole course of his life is set on fire"?
5.) What do you make of verses 11 and 12 and the analogies James presents us with?
6.) Who do you think is wise? What does wisdom look like to you?
7.) In our Bay Area culture, where intelligence is prized as a virtue, how can we show "wisdom" to the unbelieving world?
8.) How can earthly wisdom lead to bitter envy and selfish ambition?
9.) Here is an easy question...What wisdom does James hope we as Christians can obtain?
10.) Now that you're at the end of the chapter, who do you think James would have us emulate, teachers or peacemakers?
Teaching will be by Alisa D. this week

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Impact Thursday October 7th


Here are the questions for our James 2 Study on October 7th. We'll meet at our usual spot at the usual time: 700 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park at 7:00 PM.

Favoritism James 2:1-14

1. Who is the recipient of this letter? How does James address the reader in verse 5?

2. What are the three charges that James brings against the reader?

3. Why is favoritism a sin? What are ways that we show favoritism today?

Faith and Deeds James 2:14-26

4. Why is faith without deeds dead? What are some real life examples of deeds we can do today? Why is it so hard to do the deeds?

5. In the book of Romans that we are saved through faith not works, how do we reconcile this with James 2:14?

6. James is a different author than the apostle Paul. James uses the word “works” very differently than Paul. How would James define “works?”

Questions By Simona K.

Bible Study Methods

by Mark Kahn

A. [The purpose of this blog is] to give an overview of several methods that can be used to study the Bible.

B. Here are four methods that I think would be suitable:
1. Verse and Chapter Analysis (this is the method made famous by Irving Jensen).
2. Paraphrase & Summary (Peterson’s ‘the Message’ uses this method).
3. Personal Application oriented questions (the method used in the Serendipity Bible).
4. Word analysis and Word study (a lexical method used by the Thompson Chain Reference Bible).

C. Here is a brief description of each of these methods. Note, in teaching I would not give these descriptions; instead I would show by example How to Do Each One of Them. I am giving you these descriptions in case you need them.

Verse and Chapter Analysis systematically takes all the verses in any given passage of the Bible (for instance a whole Chapter, or a Paragraph), and seeks to make sense of that passage. The passage is broken down into its thought segments, and the themes that run through the passage are written down and collated together. When the overall theme has been determined, then all of the parts of the passage (e.g. each verse of a chapter, or each chapter of a paragraph) are shown in relation to the big themes that have been detected.

In Paraphrase and Summary, the reader rewrites portions of Scripture in his/her own words, and then summarizes what that portion of Scripture is saying (e.g. with a key phrase). This can take a very long time and is better suited for shorter sections of Scripture. In concluding the summary the reader can respond with a prayer of thanks to God, or with a renewed conviction, or with a specific life burden.

Personal Application Questions are a standard set of questions that the student of the Bible applies to each of the sections being studied. The sections are usually predetermined by the paragraph divisions.

The questions are for example:

1. What does it say?
2. What does it mean?
3. What will I do?
1. Who are you Lord?
2. What shall I do Lord?
1. What is the context?
2. What is the meaning within the context?
3. What is the application to my life?

Using Word Analysis and Word Study the reader sets him/herself to dig deeper. Questions are asked of every verse such as: Why does the writer use these words? Why does Jesus say this to these people? Why does this idea follow that idea? What is the full meaning and significance of this word? How does the idea expressed here correlate with the same or a similar idea in another passage of the Bible? The key is to pursue the meanings of the words in the text as thoroughly as the reader has time for, and to comprehend the meaning of the ideas that are voiced in God’s Word.

This is not an exhaustive list of Bible Study methods; it is just a selection. The number of approaches to studying the Bible is only as limited as our creativity.

I hope that this is useful to you, and your comments and feedback are welcome. One last word: I would give this overview in a dynamic, hands-on, and enthusiastic manner.

This posting was written by Mark Kahn and posted at the request of Christl Kirchner

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Impact Thursday September 30th

This Thursday we will be starting our study of James with James 1. I am pleased to announce that our long time friend Laura Long will be leading the discussion this Thursday. Please read the chapter and bring your Bible's.

We'll meet at 7:00 PM: 700 Santa Cruz, Menlo Park (around the back of 700 Ace Hardware).


•September 30th - Begin Bible Study - James 1

•October 7th - James 2

•October 14th - James 3

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Impact Thursday September 23rd

Impact will continue this Thursday, September 23rd by discussing Bible study tips. We'll meet at 7:00 PM: 700 Santa Cruz, Menlo Park (around the back of 700 Ace Hardware).

  • September 23rd - Bible Study Tips
  • September 30th - Begin Bible Study - James 1
  • October 7th - James 2

Events at a Glance

You are strongly encouraged to host an event. If you would like to host an event like lead a hike or hold a pie-eating contest, simply fill out the form on our blog:
then click "Request Form" under "Request Event or Announcement"

  • Homeless Outreach, Saturday September 25th (evening)
  • Monday Night Hikes - Last Hike of the Year! Monday September 27th
  • Impact Prayer Night, Friday Oct 1, 7-9pm
  • Fleet Week Hike to Sausilito - Saturday, October 9th
Last Monday Night Hike - September 27th

Where? Rancho San Antonio

When? 5:30 PM

Questions? Contact Alisa:

Homeless Outreach, Saturday September 25th (evening)

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach in San Francisco. We will meet at the commuter lot at the intersection of Page Mill Road and 280 at 4:30 pm and together travel up to Haight Street in San Francisco.

For this outreach we'll participate in an outdoor worship event and give out pizza and socks. If you'd like to donate new socks or a sleeping bag that would be great!

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879 or email grant@freedominchrist.name

Impact Prayer Night, Friday Oct 1, 7-9pm

Each month we will gather and pray for different needs. This month we willpray for our new year at Impact, the James study and for our serviceprojects.

Although the group will be meeting monthly, our goal is to be in prayerthroughout the month. At the end of the evening we will try to make asummary list so that we can all pray regularly. We believe that prayer empowers all other ministries!

In October we will be meeting at JoAnna Quan's house. We will try to rotate our location and would love for you to be the host! There will be some light snacks available for those coming directly from work.

2233 Samaritan Drive, San Jose, 95126
JoAnna 408-775-5774 Cell

Fleet Week Hike - October 9th
You and your friends are invited to join us for a difficult but fantastic hike from Powell street to Sausalito Saturday, October 9th. We'll hike right in the midst of Fleet Week: the Blue Angels and the like will be flying over head the whole way.

More Details: http://impactevents.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Impact Thursday September 26th

Hello Impacters!

Impact will continue this Thursday, September 16th by looking into ways we hear from the Lord. We'll meet at 7:00 PM: 700 Santa Cruz, Menlo Park (around the back of 700 Ace Hardware). We'll also have Alfred Jude and Nancy Epling share about their experiences at Signs of Hope Camp, and Janet Somes will share about her move to help plant a church.

Small Group Signups
This is the last week for small group signups! You are encouraged to join a small group because participating in a small group increases your sense of belonging to a community and allows you to grow with a few consistent brothers and sisters on your journey to better know the Lord. You may sign up for a small group right now by sending Christl Kirchner an email:


  • September 16th - Sharing; Ways to hear from the Lord
  • September 23rd - TBA
I want to share a way that has worked for me in hearing from the Lord. My pastor a couple years ago (Scott Simmerok from Church on the Hill) asked us these questions:
What is the Lord doing with you in the word lately, what is He teaching you? What is it you're doing to grow your faith?

I drew a blank because I wasn't really in the word. I was reading once a week right before Impact started, more focused on how I could look good and answer the questions than I was really feasting on the spiritual milk that is God's word.

Scott really believes that the life we experience with Jesus is proportional to the amount of time and emphasis we put in His word. He compared reading the Bible to a meal, referring to scriptures like Hebrews 5:11 and 1 Peter 2:1-3. He continued by telling us that God will speak to us through His word, but we have to read it. The Bible is a gift to you. It is your meal, a meal that will feed your soul daily. He continued to compare scripture to a meal: When you eat lunch, you feed yourself by going out and getting food. If you're not being fed spiritually, some of the places you can go to find food is to your Church, to your brothers and sisters and to the Bible.

How do you read God's word?

There are many methods and systems to study God's word. Scott proposed the S.O.A.P.S method, which is identical to the method we used to use at Impact. I usually read in small portions, like a chapter or less.

1. Start with Prayer - invite Jesus to be with you

2. Review your previous 24 hours - What are you thinking about? Use a notebook/Journal to write down some of the things that are coming to your mind - even your distractions, so you can ultimately focus on being with the Lord.

3. Use the S.O.A.P.S = Scripture, Observations, Applications, Prayer, Sharing
  • Scripture - write down a few things that stood out to you
  • Observations - (don't use words like I, me or my), write down what the writer was trying to say or what you see in the text.
  • Application - Write down how this scripture applies to your life. You could write "I should..." but this is where God's word becomes transformative. Try writing "I will..."
  • Prayer - (A.C.T.S adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication)
  • Sharing - This is where Impact comes in really handy! If you have a table group that is deeply committed to doing a method such as this, you will have the opportunity to share your answer to the question above: What is the Lord doing with you in the word lately?
for references, click here
Scott Simmerock, Church on the Hill, Services 10/12/08 and 3/1/09

You are strongly encouraged to host an event and make announcements! If you would like to host an event like lead a hike or hold a pie-eating contest, simply fill out the form on our blog:
then click "Request Form" under "Request Event or Announcement"
  • Monday Night Hikes - Next Hike September 27th
  • Fleet Week Hike to Sausalito - Saturday, October 9th
    Details coming soon
From Tim Walters:

As most of you have probably heard, my mom passed away suddenly last Wednesday night. The overflowing love and support that I have been receiving from everyone has been so comforting during this time. Please let everyone know my heartfelt appreciation for each and everyone who has showered us with prayers and thoughtful words of sympathy. I'm so blessed to have such a Community through Impact. I miss everyone and hope they can all come to the memorial service to celebrate with me my mom's life. She was an incredible woman who has touched so many lives in a unique and special way. I'm so blessed to have been her son and have her as my mom.

Below is family's home address and information on the memorial service that you can pass onto the Impact Family or post to the blog:

Memorial Service for Audreanna Walters:
Date: Friday September 17, 2010 at 7:00pm
Location: Bridges Community Church (fka First Baptist Church of Los Altos)
625 Magdalena Avenue
Los Altos, CA 94024

Walters Family
10141 Parlett Place
Cupertino, CA 95014

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Impact Starts September 9th

Impact will be starting up again this Thursday, September 9th. We'll meet in our normal place at 7:00 PM: 700 Santa Cruz, Menlo Park (around the back of 700 Ace Hardware).

September 9th we'll have a potluck (see below for what to bring) and continue sign-ups for new small groups. We'll also have worship and sharing from Alfred Jude, Nancy Epling and Sara McMinn who would like to share about how the Lord has been working with and through their lives.

You may sign up for a small group right now by sending Christl Kirchner an email:

I am sad to report that our dear friend Tim Walters' mom passed away last week. Please keep him in your prayers. There will be a memorial service Friday September 17th at 7:00 PM. I've included Tim's touching letter to the Impact Leadership Team with the details of the memorial service below.

Potluck Schedule (no worries if you are not able to bring an item, please come and have dinner with us)
Potluck Last Name:

A - F Drinks
G - M main or side dish
N - Q fruit or dessert
R - Z Veggies or Salad

Schedule at a Glance

September 9th - Potluck & Worship

September 16th - God is Speaking to You, How Do You Hear Him?

September 23rd - Begin Bible Study - James 1

From Tim Walters:

As most of you have probably heard, my mom passed away suddenly last Wednesday night. The overflowing love and support that I have been receiving from everyone has been so comforting during this time. Please let everyone know my heartfelt appreciation for each and everyone who has showered us with prayers and thoughtful words of sympathy. I'm so blessed to have such a Community through Impact. I miss everyone and hope they can all come to the memorial service to celebrate with me my mom's life. She was an incredible woman who has touched so many lives in a unique and special way. I'm so blessed to have been her son and have her as my mom.

Below is family's home address and information on the memorial service that you can pass onto the Impact Family or post to the blog:

Memorial Service for Audreanna Walters:
Date: Friday September 17, 2010 at 7:00pm
Location: Bridges Community Church (fka First Baptist Church of Los Altos)
625 Magdalena Avenue
Los Altos, CA 94024

Walters Family
10141 Parlett Place
Cupertino, CA 95014

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Impact Starts September 9th!

Impact will be starting Thursday, September 9th! We'll meet in our normal place at 7:00 PM: 700 Santa Cruz, Menlo Park (around the back of 700 Ace Hardware).

September 9th we'll have a potluck and continue sign-ups for new small groups. We'll also have worship and sharing from a few of our brothers and sisters who would like to share about how the Lord has been working with and through their lives.

You may sign up for a small group right now by sending Christl Kirchner an email:
Potluck Schedule (no worries if you are not able to bring an item, come and have dinner with us!)
Potluck Last Name:

A - F Drinks
G - M main or side dish
N - Q fruit or dessert
R - Z Veggies or Salad

I recently had a chance to go to Nicaragua for a short mission trip. I was struck by the amazing community of brothers and sisters we have there in Chinandega and the Bonetes, and was reminded that we too have an incredibly good community of brothers and sisters. One of the many ways I've been blessed by you is your participation at events. Thank you for that.


Check out new events here:

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Impact's Summer Study starts on Tuesday, July 6!

Please come and join members of Impact as we meet at the Open Door Campus in Mountain View on Tuesday evenings throughout the summer months.  If you are wanting to grow deeper with Christ and have a chance to connect with others as well as serve the community, this summer program is for you!  Newcomers are welcome!

Location: Open Door Church Mountain View (1667 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View, 94040) in the Fellowship Hall.  (Note that Open Door Church Mountain View is located on the campus of First Presbyterian Church of Mountain View at the corner of Miramonte and Cuesta.)  See ODCMV.org for more information about Open Door Church Mountain View.

Time: Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m., July 6 - August 24

Sign Up: See below for details on what each of our four groups will be studying. If you are sure that you are coming and know which group you’d like to be a part of, please contact the facilitator before the first meeting to let them know so they can plan accordingly. (The facilitators’ emails are listed below with their group's description.)

If you’re not sure about whether you're coming or which group to join, please feel welcome to just show up on the first night and select a group at that time. For the sake of continuity, people are encouraged to stay in the same group throughout the summer.

NOTE:  The study on the topic of "Money" has been canceled for this summer's session.  Those of you who expressed an interest in that study are encouraged to consider joining in on one of the other studies below.

Group 1 – Bible Study 
Applying God’s word to our daily lives for the purpose of His glory and our transformation

Facilitator:  Dave Gutierrez
Email:  dbgutierrez@yahoo.com

Details: During the eight weeks of our study we will review and discuss designated Bible passages from both the Old and the New Testaments. Each week an assigned chapter or a set of verses will be reviewed and discussed in effort to learn how we, as individuals, can apply God’s word to our daily lives.  The goals and discussion topics of each week’s designated passage will include asking how this Word from God enables us to:
  • Receive God’s love?
  • Show our love for God?
  • Serve God and others today?
  • Apply it to our daily lives for the purpose of sanctification and transformation?
  • Dedicate our lives and our actions to God and his glory?
  • Mature and enable us to grow in Christ in our walk as Christians and children of God?
Study Resources: Bible, commentaries, personal insights

Prepare Ahead: Reading, pondering and praying over the selected passages ahead of time will enhance our discussion time. Week 1, July 6: Philippians 4:4-9 and James 4; Week 2, July 13: Psalm 37.

Group 2 – "I told me so" 
Self deception and the Christian Life

Facilitator: Andrea Kwan
Email: andrea.kwan@gmail.com

Details:  This group will read and discuss the book, "I told me so" - Self-deception and the Christian Life, by Gregg Ten Elshof, philosophy professor at Biola University.  Topics for discussion will include:
  • How self-deception manifests itself in our lives
  • Why we engage in it, how it prevents us from experiencing the fullness of the Gospel
  • What we can do to better manage it
Study Resources:  "I told me so" - Self-deception and the Christian Life, by Gregg Ten Elshof, available for $10.20 (new) at Amazon.com.

Prepare Ahead:  You are encouraged to purchase the book and read chapter 1 prior to our first meeting.

Group 3 – Spiritual Formation
Insights from history on deepening your relationship with Christ

Facilitator: Gennaro Kukonu
Email: gennaro.j.kukonu@alumni.upenn.edu

Details:  The great endeavor of the Christian life is to pursue God simply with the intent of knowing Him. When we simply seek to know Jesus, not for His benefits, but to grow deeper in our relationship with Him, we begin to know the infallible character of the mighty God we serve, and to value what is most important to Him.  Then, when we share the Lord Jesus with others, we do not come to them with empty religion, but have the authority to testify about the Jesus we already know.

This study will challenge and inspire us to deepen our relationships with Jesus, through a series of brief studies focusing on the insights of spiritual leaders from different eras of history, representative of the great spiritual traditions, which collectively form a balanced Christian life.
  • July 6: Preparing for the Spiritual Life
  • July 13: The Prayer Filled Life (Contemplative Tradition)
  • July 20: The Virtuous Life (The Holiness Tradition)
  • July 27: The Spirit Empowered Life (The Charismatic Tradition)
  • August 3: The Compassionate Life (The Social Justice Tradition)
  • August 10: The Word-Centered Life (The Evangelical Tradition)
  • August 17: The Sacramental Life (The Incarnational Tradition)
Study Resources:  Adapted from Devotional Classics, edited by Richard J. Foster and James Bryant Smith. (Study materials will be provided at each session, and do not require the purchase of a text.)

Prepare Ahead:  You are encouraged to pray for our study time together, that God’s Spirit will be present; guiding us as we seek His wisdom for living the abundant life Jesus came to give us.

Group 4 – Servant-hood
Who wants to be a servant, anyway!?

Facilitator: Mark Hanson-Kahn
Email:  markhk1@yahoo.com

Details:  Most of the time, if we’re honest, we prefer the idea of serving ourselves rather than being a “servant” to someone else. But both our spiritual reality and the reality of much of our daily activity is that we are servants. In the Bible, the word servant or slave is used almost 1,000 times! The concept of “doulos,” or “bond-servant,” is prominent in the Scripture. Jesus spoke of himself as a servant. Paul called himself a servant. The Bible refers often to being God’s servant.  In this group we will discuss “Being a Servant as a Way of Life” and will practice this by planning the Carnival for Signs of Hope camp. The eight week syllabus is as follows:
  • July 6: Introduction - Should we really think of ourselves as slaves?
  • July 13: Domestic Doormats or Equal Partners? - Servant-hood and your family for single adults
  • July 20: Self Assertion vs. Humble Servitude - Servant-hood and work
  • July 27: Giving and Taking: How much and to whom? - Servant-hood and Christian community and friends
  • Aug 3: To Sacrifice or not to Sacrifice, that is the question! - Servant-hood and mission
  • Aug 10: How to work with foster kids
  • Aug 17: Finalization of Signs of Hope Camp Carnival
  • Wednesday, August 18: Carnival at Signs of Hope Camp
  • Aug 24: Summer Impact Celebration
Study Resources:  Bible. (Study materials will be provided at each session, and do not require the purchase of a text.)

Prepare Ahead:  You are encouraged to pray for our time together, that God’s Spirit will be present, guiding us as we seek His empowering presence in our lives, enabling us to follow His example in serving others as He serves us.

We hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Impact Tonight

Hello Impacters! Join us for our final Impact before summer: Impact's End of the Year Celebration tonight, June 10th. We'll have worship, sharing and Appetizers*. If you're a table leader please do not bring anything as we would like to thank you for your service to Impact.

Tables 1-3- Bring Drinks.

Tables 4-7- Bring Appetizers

Tables 8-11 and Open Tables- Bring Desserts

Summer Small Group Topical Series at Open Door Mountain View Campus starts July 6 and runs for eight weeks. Meet together at Open Door Church MV and then split into small group topical studies. Specific information and contact info for the small groups to follow on the blog and shared at Impact this Thursday, June 10th.

Why? Because summer for some is the best time to get together and connect with others, learn through interactive study and apply God's Word in new ways.

When? Tuesdays, July 6th- August 24th. 7pm- 9pm.

Where? Open Door Church in Mountain View. Fellowship Hall, 1667 Miramonte Avenue, Mountain View. ODCMV.org

What? Review the blog for the latest descriptions and contact information of the groups led by members of Impact to be posted later this week. Come to Impact this Thursday to hear from the group facilitators what each group will be doing.
(Christl Kirchner)

Camp Volunteers Needed!

I want to encourage you to volunteer for Help One Child's Signs of Hope kids camp this year. It is a fantastic break in our everyday lives to be a counselor or volunteer at camp. Every time I've participated in this camp I come back with memories of children who had a week that allowed them to be a kid--these children are in deep need of feeling accepted and valued and your time will speak this loudly to them.

Click HERE for more information
Questions? contact Lisa Carlson at lisa@signsofhope.net


*If a group wants to meet for a quick dinner before Impact, join Anne Taddey AT 5:45: Café Borrones at Menlo Station in Menlo Park before tonight’s Impact meeting.
Manresa Retreat Signups:

Impact Events at a Glance
Indonesian Satays and South East Asian Cuisine Cooking Class

Dinner for 8! Saturday July 10th

Impact Footprints - Saturday June 12th

Monday Night Hike - June 14th at Rancho - 6PM

Impact Beach Retreat Manresa - Signups have started!

Beach Bonfire - Saturday June 12th - canceled

Paul and Shu's Wedding - Saturday, June 26th

MPPC Events
Prayer Classes - Sally and Bill Russ

Divorce Recovery-- Boundaries June 1st through July 20th

Impact Event Details
Monday Night Hike - June 14th at Rancho - 6PM

You are invited to join us for Monday night hiking (Every Other Monday) throughout the summer at Rancho San Antonio. Hikes will be a few miles long, nothing treacherous, and we’ll be back by dusk. Be at least a few minutes early – parking can sometimes be a bit tight in there. Carpooling is recommended. Meet Alisa by the restrooms/drinking fountain.alisadietz@yahoo.com

Contact Alisa for more information:

Dinner for 8! Saturday July 10th

Hi Ya's! You are invited to a summer table for 8 in Adah's new location! A lovely cottage just mere blocks from her previous lovely cottage.

When? Saturday 10 July at $35 per head

Where? 590 Latham St, Mountain View. Ca 94041

If you're interested, RSVP to Adah Lee:
doodah65@juno.com or call (650) 988-8959

"Indonesian Satays and South East Asian Cuisine Cooking Class"

This is it, gang! You're opportunity to learn how to cook Tine Lo's famous satays and South East Asian cuisine! If you're interested, contact Tine Lo and she'll give you the details.

Summer Cooking Class will be held on:

Sunday June 27 at 2:00PM

Saturday July 24 at 2:00PM

Please contact Tine Lo, ph# (408) 826-1040 or email: tinelo@hotmail.com

Impact Footprints - Saturday June 12th (morning)

Impact Footprints will meet at 8.45am at Shoreline this Saturday. You are welcome to join us.
Details: Mark HK (650-996-7141: pls note my new phone no)

Paul and Shu's Wedding (Saturday, June 26th)

Everyone is invited to attend Paul and Shu's wedding ceremony to be held at MPPC on Saturday, June 26th, 2010 from 12:30pm - 3pm. Light reception at the church will follow immediately after the ceremony. Feel free to rsvp for refreshment planning purposes:

Official Wedding Site
Facebook Event

Manresa Beach Reatreat - August 27th-29th

Sign ups have begun

You are invited to Impact's annual Beach Retreat! If you haven't experienced one of our famous beach retreats, don't miss out this year! We'll have food, fun at the beach, hikes and amazing fellowship with friends. Please sign up as soon as you can!

Sign Up:

Either sign up through Impact's website at

or directly at
When? August 27th - 29th
Where? Manresa State Beach

What to bring? Detailed List coming soon - Sleeping bag, tent, stove

Carpool Arrangements:
Because parking is limited, everyone must carpool to the retreat:
Before August 13th

Contact Michelle Brown:
After August 13th
Contact Cindy Cooley
MPPC Events Details
Prayer Classes

If you would like more help with learning to hear God speak, Sally and Bill Russ will hold a one night class for 10-14 people on a weekday evening of your choice at their home near the church from 6:45-9pm. For more information contact Sally Russ at s.russ@sbcglobal.net

Divorce Recovery -- A ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church

presents Boundaries: An eight week video series by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Monday Evenings, 7 p.m., Garden Court at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, June 1st through July 20th
In this seminar series you will learn:

• What boundaries are,

• Why you need boundaries,

• How to get others and yourself to recognize and respect your boundaries,

• When to say yes,

• When to say no,

• How to take control of your life,

• And how to do all this from a Christ-centered perspective.

You don’t have to be in the process of a divorce to participate in this seminar series, but only interested in having better, more Christ-like relationships. Come and bring a friend. No registration, no cost, just drop-in.

Monte Fisher
Coordinator, Care and Recovery Project
Menlo Park Presbyterian Church

Signs of Hope Camp 2010

Opportunities to Serve and Support foster children at Help One Child's Signs of Hope Camp 2010

Signs of Hope Camp is a one-week residential summer camp, August 15th-20th, ministering to foster children ages 7-12 from San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties and the surrounding areas. Our camp extends Christian love and care, with adults modeling a positive way of life as an alternative to many of the negative situations which foster children have faced. This year, SOHC will partner with Mount Hermon’s Redwood Camp, utilizing their experience and facilities to help us provide a camp environment where the children Signs of Hope Camp serves can thrive and flourish. Each counselors is responsible for just 3 campers, allowing the campers to receive plenty of individual attention from compassionate and supportive adults.

How can one week make a difference?
We offer them a healthy dose of HOPE. Hope that they can triumph over their past, have victory over their circumstances and look forward to their future. We impart to them that they are a wonderfully-made treasure...uniquely GIFTED, exceedingly CAPABLE, absolutely VALUABLE and truly LOVABLE!

How can you make a difference?
• Serve for the week of August 15th at camp. Volunteers are still needed to fill the Breakfast Club Leader, Counselor, Crew Member roles. Each counselor position filled means 3 more campers can come to camp!

Serve one evening at the SOHC carnival on Wednesday, August 18th. Volunteers are needed to set up, run each carnival station and clean up afterward.

Support the camp financially. The camp is free to the foster children we serve, but the cost for Signs of Hope is $350 per child. Consider sponsoring all or part of a child week at camp or think about doing a fundraiser! You can donate online at the website below or mail at check to Help One Child. ***Please note in the comments section online or note on your check that you heard about the camp via Impact!!!

Support the camp with prayer. SOHC volunteers and campers desperately need your prayers before and during the week of camp! As a member of the prayer team you will receive a weekly prayer focus via email.

For more information contact Lisa Carlson, Camp Director at (650) 995-6202 or lisa@helponechild.org or check out the Signs of Hope website at www.signsofhope.helponechild.org

Lisa Carlson
Camp Director
Signs of Hope Camp
A ministry of Help One Child
650-995-6202 (cell)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Impact Tonight, June 3rd

Hello Impacters! I am pleased to announce that tonight we have Sally Russ speaking on faith! Also, just a reminder to sign up for the Impact Beach Retreat at Manresa if you haven't already. Our retreat will start Friday August 27th and go through Sunday the 29th (see details below).

Manresa Retreat Signups:


Impact Events at a Glance
Impact Footprints - Saturday June 5th

Hike - Saturday June 5th
People's Court - Friday June 4th

Impact Beach Retreat Manresa - Signups have started!

Beach Bonfire - Saturday June 12th - details coming soon!

Paul and Shu's Wedding (June 26, 2010)

Yard Sale at Adah's - June 4th - 6th.

MPPC Events
Divorce Recovery-- Boundaries June 1st through July 20th

Parent's Night Out - A Night of Respite for Foster Parents - June 5th
Impact Event Details
Impact Footprints - Saturday June 5th (morning)

change of plan for Impact Footprints:

Impact Footprints will meet at 8.45am at Shoreline this Saturday. You are welcome to join us.
Details: Mark HK (650-996-7141: pls note my new phone no)

Hiking This Saturday, June 5th
Details: Hiking at Tenessee Valley in Marin (just over the Golden Gate Bridge)

When: Saturday, June 5, 9:30am
Carpool meeting place: meet at the Park and Ride off of 280 and Page Mill Road (Los Altos)
What to bring: Bring your lunch, water, suncreen and hat.

Questions? Email Cindy at cindycooley@gmail.com or call 415-999-6520

People's Court - Friday June 4th

People's Court:

What? Join us for "People's Court"!
Whether you are USTA 4.5 or just learning the difference between Penn #3 vs. #5 balls, come out and smack some felt with us. This is tennis for the masses - meaning all skill levels are welcome, including complete beginners. If you don't even own a racquet, we'll have extra ones for you. Invite anyone you like. If you get lost, call Paul at 408-568-1217.

When? This Friday, June 4 starting at 5:30pm

Where? Rengstorff Park.

Paul and Shu's Wedding (June 26, 2010)

Paul and Shu are opening up their wedding ceremony at MPPC on June 26, 2010 from 12:30pm-3pm to all of us as we are a part of their community. They will be hosting a light reception at the church after the ceremony. Please rsvp if you plan to attend:

Manresa Beach Reatreat - August 27th-29th
Sign ups have begun

You are invited to Impact's annual Beach Retreat! If you haven't experienced one of our famous beach retreats, don't miss out this year! We'll have food, fun at the beach, hikes and amazing fellowship with friends. Please sign up as soon as you can!

Sign Up:
Either sign up through Impact's website at

or directly at

When? August 27th - 29th

Where? Manresa State Beach

What to bring? Detailed List coming soon - Sleeping bag, tent, stove

Carpool Arrangements:

Because parking is limited, everyone must carpool to the retreat:
Before August 13th
Contact Michelle Brown:

After August 13th
Contact Cindy Cooley

MPPC Events Details

Parent's Night Out - A Night of Respite for Foster Parents

Saturday, June 5, 4:15-9:00 p.m.

On Saturday, June 5, we will partner with Help One Child, a local ministry to foster and foster-adopt families, to provide a fun evening for foster children so their parents can have a night of respite. This is wonderful way to make a difference for families who are dedicated to serving foster children.

Opportunities to volunteer include:

Set up of tables and chairs in Fellowship Hall
Registration check-in for parents and volunteers
Crafts with the children (project instructions and materials provided)
Playing games with the children (games provided)
Leading the children through the events and sitting with them at dinner
Serving dinner to the children and volunteers
Help with clean-up
Some volunteer positions only require an hour and half of time (such as set-up, registration, serving dinner, or clean-up). For new volunteers, there is an optional one-hour training session on Tuesday, May 25 at ODCMV. To volunteer,

contact Bonnie Clark at bonnclark@yahoo.com


Divorce Recovery -- A ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
presents Boundaries: An eight week video series by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Monday Evenings, 7 p.m., Garden Court at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, June 1st through July 20th

In this seminar series you will learn:

• What boundaries are,

• Why you need boundaries,

• How to get others and yourself to recognize and respect your boundaries,

• When to say yes,

• When to say no,

• How to take control of your life,

• And how to do all this from a Christ-centered perspective.

You don’t have to be in the process of a divorce to participate in this seminar series, but only interested in having

better, more Christ-like relationships. Come and bring a friend. No registration, no cost, just drop-in.

Monte Fisher

Coordinator, Care and Recovery Project

Menlo Park Presbyterian Church


Yard Sale at Adah's: June 4th, 5th and 6th

Adah is having a yard sale: 8am-4pm, Fri, Sat, Sun (June 4nd-6th)

Support Adah by helping her sell 14 years of accumulated treasure. 1590 Latham St, Mountain View.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Impact Thursday May 27th

Hello Impacters! This Thursday we'll be studying the last chapter in Romans, Romans 16. Please read the chapter and review the questions below.

Romans 16
Greetings And Lessons

1. List the characteristics Paul felt noteworthy when describing the people the Romans were to greet. How many of these characteristics do you possess?

2. What does Paul say about divisive and deceptive Christians? How are you supposed to treat them?

3. What does it mean to be wise about what is good but innocent about what is evil? How would you apply this to your own life?

Summary Romans

4. What is the most significant verse or passage from the book of Romans in your life? Share this with your group and explain why?

Questions by Grant Kim

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Impact Email Contents

Impact will meet this Thursday to study Romans 15! Please read the chapter and study the questions on the blog. I look forward to seeing you there!

Questions are here


Impact's summer program

June 10th is our last Impact meeting until the Fall. The core leadership team will take a break from leading during this time. However, if you have a passion to continue to meet we have access to Mountain View Open Door campus on Tuesday nights and can continue to meet during the summer months. In order to do so we will need a team of four to six people to plan and organize this time which will most likely start the first week in July and run through August. We are interested in helping this team get started but then will leave the responsibility for running the program with them. If you are interested in helping organize this time please email christlclear@gmail.com or call her at 650-968-4266. Otherwise, we will continue to have informal gatherings announced through email but no formal meetings on Thursday nights until the Fall.

MPPC Events
Divorce Recovery-- Boundaries June 1st through July 20th

Parent's Night Out - A Night of Respite for Foster Parents - June 5th

Impact Events at a Glance
Impact Footprints - different location this week

Impact Prayer Night - Friday May 21st

Monterey Kayak Trip - May 22nd

Homeless Outreach, Saturday May 29th (evening)

MPPC Events Details
Parent's Night Out - A Night of Respite for Foster Parents
Saturday, June 5, 4:15-9:00 p.m.
On Saturday, June 5, we will partner with Help One Child, a local ministry to foster and foster-adopt families, to provide a fun evening for foster children so their parents can have a night of respite. This is wonderful way to make a difference for families who are dedicated to serving foster children.

Opportunities to volunteer include:

Set up of tables and chairs in Fellowship Hall
Registration check-in for parents and volunteers
Crafts with the children (project instructions and materials provided)
Playing games with the children (games provided)
Leading the children through the events and sitting with them at dinner
Serving dinner to the children and volunteers
Help with clean-up

Some volunteer positions only require an hour and half of time (such as set-up, registration, serving dinner, or clean-up). For new volunteers, there is an optional one-hour training session on Tuesday, May 25 at ODCMV. To volunteer, contact Bonnie Clark at bonnclark@yahoo.com


Divorce Recovery -- A ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
presents Boundaries

An eight week video series by Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend

Monday Evenings, 7 p.m., Garden Court at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, June 1st through July 20th

In this seminar series you will learn:

• What boundaries are,

• Why you need boundaries,

• How to get others and yourself to recognize and respect your boundaries,

• When to say yes,

• When to say no,

• How to take control of your life,

• And how to do all this from a Christ-centered perspective.

You don’t have to be in the process of a divorce to participate in this seminar series, but only interested in having better, more Christ-like relationships. Come and bring a friend. No registration, no cost, just drop-in.

Monte Fisher
Coordinator, Care and Recovery Project
Menlo Park Presbyterian Church

Impact Event Details
Impact Footprints - Saturday May 15th

Footprints will run this (and every) Saturday, meeting at 8.45 am.
This Saturday we will not be at Shoreline but will run a trail in San Jose.
Pls email/phone Mark for details: 404-406-5054.

Impact Prayer Night, Friday May 21st

Grant Kim will be leading a prayer time for Impact at Christl's this Friday from 7-10pm
All are welcome.

If you need the address or directions to Christl's place in Mountain View please email her at christlclear@gmail.com or call at 650-968-4266.

Monterey Kayak Trip - May 22nd

RSVP To Lisa if you haven't already!

For beginners and experienced kayakers alike!
Leaving Kohl's parking lot (Hwy 17/880 & Hamilton) at 9:00

Kayaking between 11:00-1:00
Lunch in downtown Monterey
open deck kayaks (sit on top- not closed- no skirt)
$30- includes all equipment (wet suit, paddle jacket and kayak)
Single, double and triple kayaks available (you can figure out who to share the larger ones with before signing up or contact Lisa & she can arrange this)

If interested please resister & pay on the Monterey Bay Kayak website:

"Go Kayaking," "rentals," scroll down to "open deck kayak/sit-on-tops" & make a reservation inMonterey Bay, Then send Lisa an email so she can add you to the group list.
A list of what to bring is also shown on this page
SIGN UPS were to originally close MAY 17th, but you may still have time. Who knows.

Any questions, contact Lisa Cochrum: lisa.cochrum@sbcglobal.net

Homeless Outreach, Saturday May 29th (evening)

You are invited to participate in the next homeless outreach in San Francisco. We will meet at the commuter lot at the intersection of Page Mill and 280 at 4:30 pm and together travel up to Haight Street in San Francisco.

For this outreach we'll participate in an outdoor worship event and give out pizza and socks. If you'd like to donate new socks or a sleeping bag that would be great!

We will drive as a group to Haight Street in San Francisco.

Questions: Call Grant Kim 650-520-0879 or email grant@freedominchrist.name


1. (Female)

Available starting in early June 2010

I am a christian professional female working in high tech in Silicon Valley, and I'm looking for a christian female housemate to share a 2 bed / 2 bath condominium in Santa Clara. Professional, single female preferred. No pets, smoking or drugs.

I live in Mission Terrace which is located in the nice & quiet Rivermark area of Santa Clara off 101 and 237. It is at a short distance to Great America, Intel, Cisco, and Yahoo, Rivermark Shopping Center and Mercado AMC movie theater, Lake Santa Clara Drive / Agnew next to Baylands / San Tomas Aquino bicycle trail for walking or jogging. About 10 minutes from Great mall and Santana Row/Valley Fair mall.

About the Place:

- full private bedroom
- spacious walking closet- private bathroom

- washer and dryer in the house
- appliances included
- clean & furnished house- parking spot in gated parking garage

As a resident of Mission Terrace, you will also have access to the following complex facilities:
-fitness center
-heated pool and spa
-meeting room
-cabana area
-tot lot area
Rent: $900 / month + utilities
If interested, contact Marie Eyoum @ 510-684-3087

2. (Female)

Many of you are aware about the intentional community that formed earlier this year in East Palo Alto (EPA). It is a group of us--including myself [Seth], a few other people from Highway (Mark, Guyhee, Gaby) and Sarah, our friend who is on staff at another church in Palo Alto--living together in a house in EPA. We're now looking for another housemate to join our community because Gaby will be leaving us at the end of June to move to New Zealand!

We're looking for a female to share the master bedroom/bath with Sarah.
Ideally, the new housemate would be able to move in at the beginning of July and commit for a year.
Rent is $425/mo.; we also have a monthly contribution to a common purse (for food, utilities, etc.) of $100 each (this amount may change somewhat in the future...we're still figuring it out!)

A few words about our intentional community:
We are *intentional* about sharing in a common life together.
This means we have weekly house meetings, share meals and economic resources with each other.

We are *intentional* about growing spiritually.
This means we commit to practicing certain spiritual disciplines and we support/encourage each other in them.

We are *intentional* about developing relationships with the people of EPA.
This means we take time to learn what life is like for our neighbors, and reach out to them, so that their concerns become our own.

This is a great opportunity for you, or anyone you know, to be a part of group committed to loving the people of an under-resourced community like EPA.

If you are interested or have any questions, please reply to this email!

"Seth Dickson" , seth@highway.org

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Impact, Thursday May 20th

Impact will study Romans 15 this Thursday. Please read the chapter and review the following questions:

Return to Email Contents
Bearing With The Weak, Romans Chapter 15:1-13:

1. What does it mean to be weak here in these verses? Hint: The first six verses here are actually a continuation of Chapter 14. Paul is not talking about weakness in general.

2. What do you feel Paul means to bear with the failings of the weak? What ways do you feel your Christian fellowship could do better at this?

3. Do we accept any behavior from our neighbor? Where do we draw the line? If there is a line, what happens when that line is crossed?

4. How do you feel Christ became a servant of the Jews?

Paul's Ministry Plans, Romans Chapter 15:14-33:

1. What do you feel was Paul's mission in Christ?

2. This chapter and the last deal with unity and division in the church. Why is unity important?

3. The issue of homosexuality is a divisive issue in our churches. Today we will not discuss homosexuality itself, but how we deal with division. If Paul were with us today, how do you think he would address the issues that divide our churches and our country?

4. Why do you feel Paul cited the signs and miracles as a credential to the Roman Christians?

5. Paul intends to go to Spain, but his plans are thwarted. What does Paul do when his plans are changed?

6. Why would Christians in Macedonia owe support to Christians in Jerusalem? Are there any modern parallels today?

7. How can praying for someone be joining them in their struggle?

Click here Return to Email Contents

Questions by Grant Kim

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Impact May 13th

Impact will meet this Thursday to study Romans 14. Scott Palmbush will be our guest speaker this week! Please read the chapter and study the questions below.

Romans Chapter 14
Law Of Liberty, Romans Chapter 14:1-12:
1. In your opinion, how should we treat Christians with weak faith?

2. For a Christian, what matters do you feel Paul regards as indisputable?

3. How does Paul say we are to treat Christians who disagree with us on disputable matters?

4. Paul describes a liberty in Christian life denied by many Christians, even today. Paul uses dietary rules and the Sabbath as examples where faithful Christians can differ in their walk with God, yet remain brothers obedient to Christ. What are some examples you see as disputable in today's Christian practices?

5. Can you think of ways Christians today judge and look down on other Christians of different practices?

6. Describe some ways in which you have looked down on other Christians for their practices? I'll get you started by sharing one of my own. I used to judge people who claimed to be Christian but didn't attend a church.

Law Of Love, Romans Chapter 14:13-23:
1. In the first half of the chapter, Paul described a liberty we have in Christ that many still fail to recognize. Why do you feel Paul is telling us to restrict that liberty in verse 13?

2. Give some examples of how verse 14 defines sin.

3. How would you apply Paul's idea that sin is in the eye of the beholder to specific situations in your fellowship with other Christians? In your relationship with God? Drinking alcohol? Tithing? Church attendance? Attire? Cussing? Dancing?

4. Having sin be relative leaves much responsibility for sound judgment with each Christian. Will this make us more or less dependent on an active relationship with God? Explain!

5. Apply Paul's Law of Love, to not do anything that makes a Christian brother stumble and question God, to the following example:

Your Christian brother believes drinking an alcoholic beverage is a sin...you believe it is no sin, and can cite Biblical references proving your position, answer each question and then explain your answer:
a. Would you try to prove that your brother was wrong by showing him the Scriptures on the matter?
b. Would you dismiss his concern as the actions of someone with weak faith?"
c. Would you use real wine in communion?
d. Would you drink a beer in front of him at a fellowship dinner?
e. Would you continue to drink in your own home when this brother is not around?

6. What do you feel Paul means by verse 23? Apply it to issues in your own life.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Impact Thursday April 29th

This week Impact will continue studying Romans with Romans 13. Please read the chapter and review the discussion questions below.

Romans 13 Study Questions

Read verses 1-7.

1. To what governing authorities is Paul referring in verses 1-2? Are these religious
authorities, civic authorities, or both? Why does Paul command believers to obey
authority? Consider I Tim 2:1-2, I Peter 2:13-17.

2. Consider Gen 1:28, I Cor 14:33, and I Cor 11. How might these passages relate
to the teachings in Romans 13?

3. Read Acts 23:1-5. What does Paul do in this instance? Is he holding to the standards
he later lays out in Romans 13:1-7?

4. Consider Romans 13:5. How would our behavior differ if we acted based on our conscience
rather than based on potential consequences?

5. How should a Christian respond when he/she disagrees significantly with the policies of a
government, or when that government is corrupt and/or dysfunctional? Do Paul's instructions
in this chapter apply to such governments? Why or why not?

6. What do you think would have been Paul's personal view of the Roman government based
on his own experiences? Would he have seen it as a just or unjust institution?

Read verses 8-14

7. In verse 8, what does it mean to owe nothing to any man?

8. In verse 14, what does it mean to put on the Lord Jesus Christ?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Impact Thursday April 22nd

Hello Impact! This week we will continue our study in Romans with Romans 12. Gary Sumner will return to speak to us about Romans 12 after we study the following questions.

Romans Chapter 12

Living Sacrifices, Romans Chapter 12:1-8:
1. What is "therefore" there for?

2. According to Paul, why should we present our bodies as living sacrifices?

3. What do you feel it means to do this?

4. When Paul says, "renewing of your mind," what do you feel Paul means?

5. Why do you feel renewing your mind is necessary before you can know God's will?

6. In verse 3, Paul tells us how to think of ourselves. What role does faith play in how you should think of yourself?

7. Think of Paul's analogy of the body. What are some examples you've seen of one part of the "body" not doing it's part? What are some examples of one part doing the job of another part? Have you ever seen one part try to say how another part should function? What is your part? Are you doing it?

8. Verses 6-8 have been described as "ministry gifts". Why do you feel these gifts would be less desired and preached about than the other Spiritual gifts (see I Cor 12)?

9. How do you feel each of these gifts serves and builds the "body"?

Living Love, Romans Chapter 12:9-21:
1. What do you feel it means to honor one another above yourselves?

2. What are some examples you've seen of Christians practicing hospitality? What are some ways you did it?

3. What are some examples you've seen of people following verse 15? What are some examples of Christians doing the opposite? Which do you find yourself doing most often?

4. How do you feel you could do what is right in the eyes of everyone?

5. Take verses 17-19 and blend them into one sentence in your words, with no contradictions.

6. What are some ways you see evil being overcome with good in the world, in your church or home group, in your family, in your actions?

Questions by Grant Kim

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Impact Thursday April 15th

We will resume our study of Romans with Romans 11 on April 15th. We'll meet at our usual location at 700 Santa Cruz Blvd, Menlo Park.

Discussion Questions:

Romans Chapter 11
The Remnant Of Israel, Romans Chapter 11:1-19:
1. By now, you know the history, how Israel rejected Jesus, so, do you feel Paul is writing about people of the Jewish faith, when he refers to a "remnant?"

2. What do you feel Paul means in saying this remnant is chosen by grace?

3. What do you think it means to be hardened by God?

4. Can you think of times in Jesus' life when He confronted "hardened" people?

5. If people were hardened by God, do you feel they are responsible for their actions? Why/why not?

6. How do you think Israel's transgression brought salvation to the Gentiles?

7. What does the olive root represent in Paul's example?

8. Have you ever known someone who "boasted" about their salvation? Have you boasted?

God's Kindness and Israel's Future, Romans Chapter 11:20-36:
1. Why do you feel Paul is telling boastful Christians to be afraid?

2. Paul is talking about God's kindness to we who were "grafted" into His family. What do you feel he means by saying, "if you continue in His kindness?"

3. If we were to live in His kindness, how would we feel about those who have not yet been grafted in? How would we feel about the branches who have been "broken" off?

4. Considering how often Paul is warning against Christian boasting, arrogance and conceit, do you feel God is trying to tell us something? What are some examples you've seen of this kind of behavior by Christians, or by Christians "leaders?"

5. According to Paul, Israel's branches were "broken off" because of unbelief, claiming to have earned the gift of God by their behavior. How is Christian boasting similar? How is it different?

6. By saying, "God's gifts and His call are irrevocable," who is Paul writing about? What does Paul mean with the words gifts and call?

7. If, as some claim, God's gifts and call are irrevocable to Christians, how would you reconcile this with Jesus' parable of the talents?

8. List the differences and similarities between Christians and Jews in Romans chapter 11.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Impact Thursday February 11th

Impact will meet this Thursday to study Romans Chapter 10. "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Paul continues to proclaim the Good News that we are saved by faith through Jesus Christ. It is in our mouths and hearts: we confess that God raised Jesus from the dead and believe this with our hearts--we are saved. Jesus is our savior and we all have feet to proclaim this good news to everyone. "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Please read Romans 10 and review the questions below.

Discussion Questions:

Romans 10:1-4
1.Describe in your own words why the Israelites (Paul's fellow Jews) were "missing the boat" when it came to saving faith?

2.Do you think God accepts people of non-Christian faiths because He sees they are zealous, sincere, deeply committed, and worship God according to what they believe? Defend your answer.
Romans 10:5-15
3. Describe the contrast Paul set up in v5-8 between what is required to obtain law righteousness as compared to faith righteousness.

4.Explain what each of the following phrases means to you:
     a. Confess with your mouth
     b. Believe in your heart
     c. Jesus is Lord

5.How do the promises in v11-13 speak to you?

6.From v14 &15 what steps are essential for a person to be able to call upon the Lord?What part are you playing in this chain of events that enables a lost person to know how he or she can be saved?

Romans 10:16-21
9.Describe Israel's fault in her unbelief from these verses.

10.What do you learn about God's heart from the final verse of this chapter?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Impact Thursday Feb. 5th

Tonight at Impact we will study Romans Chapter 9. Please read the chapter. Questions will be provided at Impact.

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Impact Thursday January 28th

Impact meets this Thursday--we will break from our normal study of Romans to hear three groups of speakers share about how the Lord is working in their lives: Shu and Paul, Felix, and Dick Desautel. Come and join us to hear their stories!

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Impact Thursday January 21st

Impact will study the second half of Romans 8:18-39 this week on Thursday, January 21st. Please read the chapter and review the questions below.
Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Discussion Questions
1.) Why is creation subjected to frustration? How does verse 21 (“bondage to decay”) help you understand this? What does it mean in your life personally when creation is frustrated?

2.) What does it mean to have the first fruits of the Spirit?

3.) In verse 23, there is a strong emphasis in the original language on “we ourselves.” The verb “wait eagerly” is repeated from verse 19; the verb “groan” is repeated from verse 22. What was “groaning” and “waiting eagerly” in the earlier verses? How is our groaning and waiting similar? How is it different? Describe ways in which you've experienced the Spirit interceding for you with groans words cannot express?

4.) Do bad things happen to those who love God? Why and how is God working for good? What are some ways you've experienced God taking something bad and working it for the good?

5.) What is the “No” in verse 37 referring to?

6.) Do you think Christians are supposed to experience victory on earth? Have you experienced victory in your life? What are some examples of victory in your life?

Questions by Grant Kim

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Impact Thrusday January 14th

This week Impact will be studying the first half of Romans. Please read Romans 8:1-17 and review the questions below. Also, I'd like to encourage you to continue doing daily pages (SOAP pages). If you're feeling like you haven't been hearing from the Lord lately but you are earnestly seeking to know His will and His path, reading the scriptures daily and reflecting upon what you've read and upon your own life while centered upon the Lord in some way is one almost sure way to hear from the Lord. SOAP pages may not be the best plan for submerging into this time of centering, but for me SOAP pages are certainly better than my other plan, which was no plan at all.

One thing that may help is to do your SOAP pages in a nice notebook, but if you prefer the handouts or would like a copy of the format to transfer to your notebook, click here.

One more word about SOAP pages:  I am continually asking God for guidance but I've been feeling spiritually dry, aimless and out of touch with Him. I wasn't reading the scriptures daily and certainly not centering myself daily upon the Lord. I have felt convicted for not reading the scriptures daily but after starting on a 1.5 chapter a day plan, I have felt some of my deepest thirsts quenched because I am more likely to turn to Him for help rather than my own ways: His living water is freely available and tremendously satisfying.

Jeremiah 2:13
"My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.

John 7:37-38
On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."

Click here for Reading Plans or you may email me for the reading plan I'm using, which is a two year plan mixing Old and New Testament scriptures: christian@cjmillerengineering.com

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Note that Romans 8 is the longest chapter and we will be breaking it into 2 pieces. The second half will occur next week.

Discussion Questions
Who Are The Sons Of God, Romans Chapter 8:1-17:

1.) The word guilt has two meanings. It can mean the feeling or emotion of guilt. It can also mean an objective legal status. Describe what it feels to be guilty. Define the word, guilty, in objective legal terms. Do the same for the word condemn: Describe what it feels to be condemned. Define the word, condemned, in objective legal terms. Do the same for the word forgive. Do the same for the word free.

2.) Does this mean that, even if Christians sin, we will not be condemned? Why/why not?

3.) What do you feel Paul means in verse 5 by having our "minds set?"

4.) Do you feel it is our mind set or our action that is the deciding factor? Explain.

5.) It is possible for somebody to be not guilty in the legal sense, but still feel guilty. Why do you think this happens? Is the feeling of guilt ever a good thing?

6.) In your own words, how does Paul's testimony of himself and analysis of the Christian experience help us in our walk today? Are there areas in which you feel guilty or condemned?

Questions by Grant Kim