Hello Impacters! We will continue this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz Ave. Building Menlo Park. We will continue our study in James with James 4. The questions are below:
These are the questions for James 4. There may be some small changes but for the most part these are it.
James 4
1. What causes us to fight and quarrel (4:1-2)
2. When we ask God for things, what is one reason we may not get what we want? (4:3)
3. Describe a time in your life when you have done and experienced something James describes in 4:1-3
4. From your experience and knowledge of Scripture, what are some of the symptoms of friendship with the world?
5. Why is friendship with the world equivalent to hatred toward God? (4:4) (Optional: See Luke 16:13; Rms 8:5-8)
6. God provides grace to us to overcome our envy, craving for pleasure, and quarreling. Why does He give us this grace only if we are humble? (4:6)
7. How can you actively submit to God in your circumstances today or tomorrow? In what ways do you need to resist the devil today? (4:7)
8. Have you ever wondered why you didn't feel God near to you? What does it look like to draw near to Him? Describe an instance when you knew He was near. (4:8)
9. To slander or judge a fellow believer is to criticize and judge God's law. Why? (4:11-12)
10. What is a person saying about God and self when he makes plans w/o consulting God? (4:13-15)
11. Is it wrong to make plans for the future? If so, why? If not, what kinds of planning are wrong and what kinds are right? (See Luke 12:16 - 20)