Thursday, May 19, 2011

Impact May 19

Impact will meet tonight at the normal location, 700 Santa Cruz Blvd., Menlo Park and at the normal time: 7:00pm. See you tonight!

Study Questions:

1.) What connection exists between chapters 1 and 2? Is there a connection worth noting?

2.) At the end of verse three what is meant by the statement "we were by nature objects of wrath?

3.) "Do you feel you were made alive with Christ??" How is your walk with God right now?

4.) Verse 4 talks about this great love that God has for us. Is there a time that you felt this love personally? Where in scripture can you find other examples of God's great love?

5.) What is the difference( or is there a difference) between the works talked about in verse 9 and doing good works in Christ in verse 10?

6.) What does it mean that circumcision was done "by the hands of men"? Why is this important for Paul to bring up?

7.) In verse 21 Paul talks about a temple, is this an earthly temple or a spiritual one?