Tuesday, November 29, 2011

John 6:1-21

John 6:1-21

You may also want to read

Matthew 14:13-36
Mark 6:30-44

Luke 9:10-17

Jesus feeding the five thousand is one of the events that's found in all 3 synoptic gospels as well as John. In the synoptics, Andrew is not identified. In Mark, Jesus asks the followers to go and look for bread, but that command is not listed in the other books. Thus, there are 4 different accounts of this event. Does it matter that we have more than one record of this event? Why?

Who do you think constitutes the five thousand? Are these followers? Seekers? Rivals? What might be some of the reasons they have come to hear from Jesus? What verses support this?

Assume you are Philip. You have seen Jesus do amazing acts. What would be your answer to the question, 'Philip, where can we buy bread to feed all these people?" Why do you think Philip answers the way he does?

Philip's answer is worldly (or at least financial.) 'It would take a small fortune to feed them.' (NLT) Could Jesus have followed the apostles advice and created a basket of money and 'sent the crowds away to neighboring towns.' Why or Why not?

According to John 6:8, what resources are found? Who found them? What does he do with them once discovered?

Jesus has everyone sit down. Would you sit? Why? What would you expect to happen? (Remember, this is a 'remote' place, it's getting dark, and you may not have food or water.)

In verse 14, we learn the crowds believe Jesus to be the 'prophet we have been expecting.' (NLT) What were the people expecting? What was the political climate of the time? Do we have expectations today? Is there a time line for these expectations?

In Matthew 14:22 we learn Jesus 'constrained' (NIV) or 'made' (NLT) the disciples enter the boat and go before him to the other side. Why would they resist? According to verse 15, what was the attitude of the crowds?

In Mathew 8 the disciples find themselves on a boat with Jesus asleep during a storm. Here in John, the disciples find themselves in a storm but Jesus does not appear to be with them; in fact he sent them away. What might they have said to one another about their situation? What would you have said?

When they see Jesus his response is 'I am here, don't be afraid.' Why should the proximity of Jesus reduce fear? What does Jesus' words mean to you personally?

What does the word miracle mean to you? How would you explain the above narratives to a young child? To a close friend? To a non-Christian? To a loved one in crisis?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

John 5

1. Why do think Jesus asked the invalid man if he wanted to get well in the Gospel of John Chapter 5, verse 6?

2. In John 5:14 Jesus says, “Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” What do you think the man was doing?

3. According to Jewish law, what was the prescribed punishment for doing work on the Sabbath? Exodus 31:12-15. Why do you think the Sabbath law is so strict? What is it actually about?

4. List 2 things from the Gospel of John Chapter 5, verses 17-27 that God the Father has given the Son or authorized the Son to do.

5. Read Matthew 12:1-14. Why do you think Jesus healed on the Sabbath?

6. Do you think that we should observe the Sabbath today? If so, how? What do you do on the Sabbath?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

John 4

1.) Reread verse 36 in chapter 3, is there a connection between this verse and the content of chapter 4?

2.) Why did Jesus have to go to Samaria?

3.) Jesus asks the Samaritan woman for a drink, is this a rhetorical question or is he really thirsty?

4.) Do you think the Samaritan woman knew she was talking to the Messiah that was prophesied before Jesus announced who he really was to her?

5.) Jews did not associate with Samaritans because of a deep dislike for them, but Jesus went out of his way to talk to this woman, who is it in you life that you should be associating more with and don't? What do we learn about the nature of Christ in his interactions with the Woman at the well?

6.) Jesus tells the woman at the well that if she drinks of the water he is offering, she will never thirst again, do you find that you are never thirsty? How is your walk with God in this respect? What are the things in life that keep you needing to go back to the well and accept the eternal water that Christ has to offer?

7.) What do you think Jesus means in verse 23 when he says worshippers will worship in "spirit and truth?"

8.) It is clear from the encounters Jesus is having with people in John, that each message is personal to the individual. What is Jesus saying to you through this chapter?

Friday, November 4, 2011

How to Become a Stephen Minister

Here is a link to the "How to Become a Stephen Minister" event that was discussed at Impact: Click Here!

Monday, Novemeber 7th at the Menlo Park Campus Library

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Impact 11-3

Questions for John 3:
  1. In Middle East, where Jesus lived, it is often quite warm in temperature. Discuss your own experiences in living in a hot climate. Where were you? Did you prefer mornings, afternoons, or evenings? What kinds of activities did you do there?

  2. Nicodemus’ visits Jesus to try to find His true identity, John the Baptist sent his disciples to Jesus to get confirmation about His identity as well. If you had a chance to visit Jesus late at night what question(s) might you ask him?

  3. Nicodemus came to see Jesus to clear up some questions he had regarding Jesus and his ministry. In his dialogue with Jesus he uses plural forms in his statements (“we”). Do you think that Nicodemus came to see Jesus alone or did he bring others with him?

  4. Jesus’ disciples are not directly mentioned in the dialogue with Nicodemus. However, because we have an account of the story in the Gospel of John we know that at least one disciple was there. What do you think this disciple made of the interaction between Jesus and Nicodemus?

  5. As Christians we believe that God is all knowing, all powerful and all present. We also believe that Jesus was all God and all man while on the earth. When Jesus came to Earth he chose to enlighten people about just a few issues related to Him, eternal life, salvation, etc. What else could Jesus have told people about?

  6. In the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus there is a big misunderstanding between them. Nicodemus doesn’t understand what Jesus means when he said he must be “born again”. Share about a time you misunderstood someone during a conversation.

  7. John the Baptist wondered if Jesus was the Messiah. Talk about a time you were not sure if your investment of time and energy were going to pay off.