Wednesday, November 9, 2011

John 4

1.) Reread verse 36 in chapter 3, is there a connection between this verse and the content of chapter 4?

2.) Why did Jesus have to go to Samaria?

3.) Jesus asks the Samaritan woman for a drink, is this a rhetorical question or is he really thirsty?

4.) Do you think the Samaritan woman knew she was talking to the Messiah that was prophesied before Jesus announced who he really was to her?

5.) Jews did not associate with Samaritans because of a deep dislike for them, but Jesus went out of his way to talk to this woman, who is it in you life that you should be associating more with and don't? What do we learn about the nature of Christ in his interactions with the Woman at the well?

6.) Jesus tells the woman at the well that if she drinks of the water he is offering, she will never thirst again, do you find that you are never thirsty? How is your walk with God in this respect? What are the things in life that keep you needing to go back to the well and accept the eternal water that Christ has to offer?

7.) What do you think Jesus means in verse 23 when he says worshippers will worship in "spirit and truth?"

8.) It is clear from the encounters Jesus is having with people in John, that each message is personal to the individual. What is Jesus saying to you through this chapter?