Dear Impacters,
If you are looking for an opportunity to go deeper with God, Wellspring has opportunites for the Fall. Please see information below or call the
WellSpring Office at 650 328 8966 or
Lori Ronning from Impact also has information and experience with WellSpring. She can be contacted at lori
Dear friends of WellSpring,
The difference between knowing about God and actually knowing God is huge—and it is the difference many of us long to enter into more fully. Yet we might also wonder how one actually goes about knowing God in this way. Jesus himself answered the question by saying, “If you knew me, you would know my Father also” (John 8:19)
We now have two opportunities for you to deepen your intimacy with God by spending time with Jesus in the gospels, opening yourself to actually encountering Jesus through what have come to be called the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius. (My own experience three years ago of spending 30 weeks in the Exercises deepened my intimacy with God in ways that continue to this day!) The first is a 9 week small group experience at WellSpring in Menlo Park. The second is in partnership with the Comtemplative Center of Silicon Valley in offering the full Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. I highly recommend both the Exercises and the leaders (Patty Martin/Janet Perez and Liz Lawhead/Melinda Kaewert ) who have been involved with WellSpring over the past several years.
Following is a full description of what to expect and how to participate.
Summer Blessings,
1. AT WELLSPRING IN MENLO PARK: Introduction to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
Join us as we walk through an nine-week journey encountering the deep love of God as uniquely expressed in the life of Jesus. This nine-week study is also known as the preparation study or the introduction for the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, a 30-week study of the life of Jesus. This small group experience will introduce the participants to Ignatian practices such as contemplative Scripture reading, praying the Examen, and solitude.
Each participant will be asked to attend the group each week, to receive individual spiritual direction from one of the leaders (at least twice), and to set aside time each day to pray with the weekly “exercises” or prayer practices.
WEDNESDAY EVENINGS: 7:00 – 9:00 pm from October 3 – December 5 (skipping Thanksgiving week)
Leaders: Patty Martin and Janet Perez.
Where: The Wellspring Center 1142 Crane Street, Menlo Park, CA
Study material: Journey with Jesus, by Larry Warner
Cost: $225 includes 9 group meetings and 2-3 individual spiritual direction sessions.