We have an exciting new year planned! Guest Speaker Neil Mammen will return to speak on the following topics starting January 24th. Here is a look at our first few weeks:
January 17th - Welcome Back Potluck!
January 24th - Neil Mammen -
Title: How can God exist when there is so much evil in the world?
The first barrier people have to Christianity is this one. What do you tell someone who just lost their child? Why doesn't God do something about evil? Is God unable to stop evil meaning He’s not powerful? Or is He unwilling to stop evil meaning He’s not good? How do you give them a compassionate yet truthful answer?
January 31st - Neil Mammen -
Title: Does Truth Exist? What is Truth?
How can you witness God’s truth to someone if they don’t believe Truth exists?
So is truth relative and personal? Or absolute and objective? Americans have been influenced by the New Age and Hindu religions and often believe: There is no truth? What is a self refuting statement? How do you respond to people who say that’s we are arrogant to think that we know the truth and everyone else is wrong. Learn to have fun answering objections that leave many speechless.
February 7 - Neil Mammen -
Title: How to morally run a red light!
Is there an Objective Morality? If there is no objective morality, why was Hitler wrong? If there is an objective morality why do you get to decide what it is and not Hitler?
Info: Often when witnessing you’ll be asked: “Who's to say what is wrong or right? Isn’t it just a preference of society?” How do you respond to that? Is right and wrong culturally determined and a preference of society? Is there a difference between Mother Theresa and Hitler? And can we legislate morality? Do laws change hearts? How do you win arguments about this?
February 14th -
February 21th - Impact will meet at the same place, the same time! Small Groups Dinner Postponed! (Sorry!)