Mark 14:1-31 – Jesus Anointed at Bethany; The Lord's Supper; Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial
Mark 14:1-11
1. Why do you think the woman poured the perfume on Jesus' head? What do you think of the indignant response of some of those present? How would you react in the same situation?
2. Judas walked alongside Jesus for three years and witnessed all His miracles. Why do you think he betrayed Jesus? What can you learn from Judas' act regarding your own faith?
Discussion #2 –
Mark 14:12-31
3. What is the covenant that Jesus mentions in verse 24? What did it replace? What does the practive of communion mean to you?
4. Have you ever expressed the confidence of Peter in promises you've made to God? If you didn't keep those promises, how did you feel when you realized it? How did you respone to God afterwards?
--questions by Virginia