Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Thursday, March 27th

This Thursday, March 27th, we will be discussing Mark chapter 15. We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Read ahead of time so you'll be ready for the discussion questions below. The Daily Page Homework may be found here. We look forward to seeing you!

Mark 15 – The Council of Religious Leaders Condemns Jesus; Jesus Stands Trial before Pilate; Pilate Hands Jesus Over to be Crucified; Roman Soldiers Mock Jesus; Jesus Is Led Away to be Crucified; Jesus Is Placed on the Cross; Jesus Dies on the Cross; Jesus is Laid in the Tomb
(NIV Headings)

Mark 15:1-32

1.) Why did Pilate marvel at the silence of Jesus?

2.) Why did the crowd choose Barabbas instead of Jesus?

3.) Why did Pilate have Jesus flogged before his crucifixion?

4.) Why did Roman soldiers mock Jesus with such cruelty?

Mark 15:33-15:47

5.) Why is there darkness in the land?

6.) What is the significance of the curtain being torn in two?
Hint: take a look at Leviticus 16 to get an idea how serious the curtain is.

7.) Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?

--questions by Grant