Monday, May 18, 2009

Impact--Thursday, May 21st

This week we'll be studying 1 Samuel 13-15. We're going to have an interactive study this week and request that each person bring a question according to the following schedule:

Each table group will take one chapter:
1 Samuel 13 (Tables 1-3 + Open Tables)
1 Samuel 14 (Tables 4-7)
1 Samuel 15 (Tables 8-11)

For your chapter, come up with at least one good question / answer to share with your group.

As you think of good questions, please consider these goals of scripture study:
* Goal IS to teach us about God, His divine attributes and character.
* Goal IS to teach us something about ourselves in relation to God's kingdom and the world.
* Goal IS to motivate us to action that demonstrates Christ's resurrection power in us and our transformation in Christ.
* No need to focus too much on Bible trivia.