We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. See you soon!
Discussion Questions:
I Samuel 16
1. Consider 16:1-3. What does God instruct Samuel to do? Is this deceitful? If not,
why not? Consider also Psalm 18:26 and Matthew 10:16.
2. Consider I Sam 16:12-13. When did the Spirit of God come upon David, and for
what purpose(s)? Did it come to stay? Consider also Psalm 51:11 and John 14:16-17.
3. Read I Sam 10:1, 10:10, 11:6, and 16:14. Did the Spirit of God come upon Saul
when he was annointed ruler over Israel? When did it come upon him, and for what
4. Read Hebrews 6:4-6. Do you think King Saul knew the Lord? What role do you
think the Spirit of God played in Saul's life?
I Samuel 17
5. Consider verses 17:26-30. Did David's brother Eliab have a high regard for him? What does
this say about David's life before his anointing?
6. Consider verses 17:43-47. What is Goliath's taunt to David? What outcome does Goliath
want from the battle? What is David's taunt to Goliath? What outcome does David want from
the battle? How did David's victory impact the Israelite army?
7. What has the Spirit of God empowered you to do (Eph 1:18-20)?
Questions by R Sackman