Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ring in the New Year with Impact!

You and your friends. Please invite others to join us. The more the merrier!

Join us for Dinner, Worship, Dancing and Fellowship

When ?
New Year's Eve

Thursday, December 31st
Doors Open at 7:30pm
Dinner 8pm
Party till 1:00am

Open Door Church Mountain View
(at The First Presbyterian Church
on the corner of Cuesta and Miramonte)
1667 Miramonte Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94040

It will be the best party ever! (Well...better than watching the ball drop on TV.)

How? {This is the important part!}
Tickets are $25 and RSVP is required by Dec. 26th

You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.

Please be aware since MPPC / Impact is unable to cover the party's cost your RSVP is a commitment to pay $25 whether or not you are able to attend!

Payment will be taken at the door in the form of CASH or CHECK (made out to MPPC). card payment is not available.

If you are unable to join us for dinner, please join us after 9:30pm. Entry after 9:30pm is just $10.

Please include a piece of trivia about yourself with your RSVP. e.g., I have a large pet rock collection, or I was a competitve tap dancer in junior high school.

Questions? Want to Help?
Contact Lisa Carlson at

Help is still needed for set up and tear down!

Michelle Brown has graciously agreed to put together a slide show for us. Please send your high quality photos to Michelle at as soon as possible!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Christmas Celebration - December 17th

Come and celebrate Christmas with us this Thursday at Impact! We'll have a great potluck with singing and sharing. And! We'll have open seating and share what we're thankful for or how we've been an impact or how we have been impacted this year. Be thinking of things you're thankful for!

Potluck Last Name:
A - F Drinks
G - M main or side dish
N - Q fruit or dessert
R - Z Veggies or Salad

Also, if you are interested in helping with the New Year's Eve party, in any way but specifically with a slide show, send us a message at:

Monday, December 7, 2009

Impact Thursday December 10th

Impact will be meeting this Thursday, December 10th, to study Romans 6. Please read the chapter and review the questions below.

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Discussion Questions
Alive In Christ, Romans Chapter 6:1-14:

1. What do you feel it means to be baptized into His death? How do these Scriptures relate to what you've been taught about baptism?

2. What do you feel Paul means by our "old self' being "crucified" with Christ?

3. Describe "dead to sin" "alive to God."

4. What does it mean to be an instrument of righteousness?

Slaves To Righteousness, Romans Chapter 6:15-22:

1. Since we are not under law, does that mean we're free to live in lawlessness? Explain!

2. Describe what the phrase "slave to sin" means to you. Describe what the phrase "slave to righteousness" means to you.

3. Paul refers to things we offered our bodies to, we are now ashamed of. What are some things you did in the past that now you are ashamed of?

4. What benefits did you think you would receive by doing those things? What benefits did you actually receive?

5. Try to list the benefits you have and will reap from being a slave to righteousness.

Doctrine Of Salvation, Romans Chapter 6:23:

1. What are wages and what do you have to do to get them?

2. What is sin?

3. What is death?

4. What is a gift and what do you have to do to get it?

5. How does Jesus Christ make it possible for us to receive the gift of eternal life?

6. What are some reasons why people don't want to accept the gift of eternal life immediately?

In this one verse, Paul sums up the entire doctrine of salvation and powerfully concludes the first 6 chapters of Romans. The above questions about this verse are a simple way to share Jesus if someone shows interest in knowing about your faith. Remember 3 things about sharing Jesus: Your motivation and life should reflect His love for them. If the Holy Spirit is in it, you won't need to convince them of anything. If they are not ready, you have not done anything wrong. Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase.

Questions by Grant Kim

Monday, November 30, 2009

Impact December 3rd

Impact will be meeting this Thursday, December 3rd, to study Romans 5. Please read the chapter and review the questions below.

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Study Questions
While We Were Sinners, Romans Chapter 5:1-11:

1. What do you think "therefore" is there for?

2. How do verses 1-2 refute the popular image of a judgmental God, just waiting for us to slip up so He can slap us down? Do you have peace with God?

3. How do you feel verses 6-8 reveal how much God values us?

4. What attitudes do you still hold that prevent you from accepting how important you are to God and how much He loves you? Spend some time praying about this one!

Adam 1 and Adam 2, Romans Chapter 5:12-21:

1. What do you feel "therefore" is there for?

2. Paul says sin entered the world through one man (Adam), how does this compare to other understandings of the Garden of Eden story you've heard?

3. Using Romans 5, can you answer the following questions: a.) Why do people die? b.) Why is there so much suffering in the world?

4. Do you really believe that you will die? If a person really believes that people will die without Christ, what kind of actions should be visible in his or her life.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Impact Thursday November 19th

This week we will be studying chapter 4 of Romans. This chapter discusses Abraham's faith and gets us thinking about faith versus works. For the deepest understanding of Romans 4, Read Genesis 15-17,  Genesis 21-22, Romans 4 and James 2. I am looking forward to this Thursday to study with you!

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Official Questions:

The Important Stuff
1) If you have any questions on Romans 3:31-4:25 or any
comments/observations you think is important, share or discuss about it.

2) If Romans 3:31-4:25 sparks something that is significant to you in terms
of how God's word applies to you, share it.

The Other Stuff
3) What would it look like to earn God's blessing and eternal life instead
of condemnation in our culture today?

4) Do you struggle with this at times? During the times you struggle with
this, is there anything that helps you get out of that mode of thinking?
During times where you are not struggling with this, what is your mode of

5) Do you struggle in believing God's promises for you? Especially when life
deals you a difficult circumstances from what you were hoping or expecting
in life, what keeps your hope alive?

Questions by Felix C.

Questions to ponder while reading Romans 4
Note that the following questions are not the official Impact study questions for Thursday.

0. Who was Abraham [0]
1. Compare Romans 4 and James 2 [1]
2. Why is Circumcision so important to the church in Rome in Paul's day? [2]
3. What do you learn about faith from Romans 4:18-21? [2]
4. What does it matter to you--practically or emotionally--whether a right relationship with God is a gift to be received or a prize to be earned? [2]

[0] Engineers are allowed to start at 0.
[1] Question found here at
[2] Serendipity Bible for Groups, Third Edition(c) 1998 Serendipity House, Zondervan Publishing House Grand Rapids, MI

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Impact Thursday November 12th

This week we will be studying chapter 3 of Romans. Please read the chapter and review the study questions below. We are memorizing Romans 1:16-17 as a group. If you would like to recite the verse up front, you may receive a prize!

Also! We are making boxes for Operation Christmas Child:
click here for more information!

Romans 3
Discussion Questions

v. 1-8
1. Why were the Jews entrusted with the words of God?

v. 9-20
2. What evidence can you think of to support Paul's claim that no one is righteous?
v. 21-31
3. What does it mean for God to be just? How did God demonstrate his justice through his son Jesus Christ?

4. How is it possible that God is both just and gracious at the same time?

5. How do we uphold the law by faith? What does faithfulness look like in your own life?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Operation Christmas Child - Homework

Greetings Impacters! This week we are participating in Operation Christmas Child. We’ll take time this Thursday to pack the boxes together and pray for the children who will be receiving our boxes. If you would like to participate, come to Impact with your items to pack and $7.00 for shipping. Here are a few helpful tips:

1. Some small groups are making one box and have already designated each person to buy something.

2. Other small groups are doing one box per person.

In either case, here are some suggestions for your box:

Other tips:
1. Find or buy a shoe box to send.
2. Not everyone has to bring wrapping paper, but there should be a few.
3. Wrap the lid separate to the box.
4. Have one item that is of some quality, like a little Lego set (Bionicles) or a doll.
6. Have some items that give one something to do, like crayons for drawing or origami paper.
7. Other fun stuff from a place like Diddams.

Ideas from Samaritan’s Purse website:

small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch®, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky®, etc.

pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.

toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc.

Hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts, socks, ball caps; sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries)

In a separate envelope, you may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. (If you include your name and address, the child may write back.)

Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out-of-date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snowglobes or glass containers; aerosol cans

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Impact Thursday November 5th

Impact will meet this Thursday to continue our study in Romans with Romans 2. I am pleased to announce Joanie Tankersley as our guest speaker this Thursday. Joanie is pastor of community life at MPPC. Please read the chapter and bring your Bibles. There may be a prize for the first three people who can recite Romans 1:16,17.

Our speaker, Joanie Tankersley, has suggested the New Living Translation as
useful for understanding this week's text. It can be found at:

Discussion Questions:

God's Impartial Judgment, Romans Chapter 2:1-16:
1. Who do you think Paul is writing to?

2. Since Paul didn't use chapter divisions when he wrote the letter, review 1:29-32 and discuss what he is referring to when he says "therefore" in 2:1. What is the "therefore" there for?

3. What are the issues around judgment that Paul is concerned about?

4. How would you compare Paul's declaration in 1:16-17 with his comments in 2: 7-11?

The Jewish Law and True Circumcision, Romans Chapter 2:17-29:

5. What is Paul arguing with his invisible opponent about in regard to the Jewish understanding about the Jews' status before God and how they think it should influence God's judgment?

6. What is Paul driving at in his challenging questions in v.21-23?

7. Paul quotes, about Israel, "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." How have you seen the name of Jesus blasphemed today among non-believers because of Christians? In your own life?

8. How do verses 28-29 apply to Christians, you?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Impact Thursday October 29th

Impact will be starting the Romans study this Thursday. As usual we will meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. We look forward to studying with you!

Please read Romans 1 and review the following questions:

Romans 1:1-17

1.) What is Paul’s purpose in writing Romans? Who is Paul writing to? Why do you think Paul is so specific about who Jesus is, if he's writing to Christians?

2.) What is the evidence Paul cites for Jesus to be the Son of God?

3.) What do you feel Paul means by using the term "saints"? How does it differ from the meaning of saint, today?

4.) In verse 16, what does Paul say is required for someone to receive salvation? List some other things people have told you are "required" to be saved?

5.) Why do you feel Paul said, "first for the Jew, then for the Gentile"?

6.) What do you feel is meant by the phrase, "The righteous will live by faith"? Is Paul expanding the meaning in any way?

Romans 1:18-32

7.) How do you feel God's eternal power and divine nature are understood from creation? What does this say about people who have never been told about God or Jesus?

8.) Paul is referring to idolatry, but, can you think of any modern applications for the same teaching?

9.) In the list of wicked and evil behavior, does Paul refer to any of these "sins" as being more evil than the others? Does this mean that gossip is as sinful as homosexuality or murder...equally deserving death? Explain!

10.) Is pornography a sin? If so, why or why not?

Questions by Grant Kim

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Impact Thursday October 15th

Impact is blessed to have Neil Mammen come back and give one final talk. Topic to be announced soon!

If you have not already signed up and would like to join a small group for the upcoming Imact Bible study in Romans, you may do so by clicking the following link:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Impact Thursday October 8th

Guest speaker Neil Mammen is returning to Impact this Thursday to give a talk titled "Proving Jesus Really Rose from the Dead".

We'll have worship, discussions and teaching. As always, feel free to bring your friends as well.

Homework: Come up with some hard questions to ask Neil and he'll answer them next week, October 15th.

You may find out more about Neil at his website:

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park.

Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Impact: Thursday, October 1

Guest speaker Neil Mammen is returning to Impact this Thursday to continue his apologetics series. We'll have discussions and teaching. Even if you are not planning to attend Impact regularly I highly recommend coming for this series. As always, feel free to bring your friends as well. Come with tough questions about Christianity, bring your Bibles and be prepared to interact!

You may find out more about Neil at his website:

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park.

Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Impact--Thursday September 10th

I am very excited about this Thursday! We are having guest speaker Neil Mammen come to Impact to start his series "Is Christianity a Blind Faith?" We'll have worship, discussions and teaching. Even if you are not planning to attend Impact regularly I highly recommend coming for this series. As always, feel free to bring your friends as well. Come with tough questions about Christianity, bring your Bibles and be prepared to interact!

You may find out more about Neil at his website:

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Impact Begins Thursday, September 3rd

You are invited to join Impact for the start of a new year. Our meetings will be on Thursdays at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz building, Menlo Park. The first meeting will be this Thursday, September 3rd and we’ll have worship, sharing and an introduction to Impact this year.


September 3rd
First meeting – Worship, Mission Testimonies and an Introduction to Impact

September 10th
Guest Speaker Neil Mammen will begin his mini-series on Apologetics

Monday, July 13, 2009

Gonzaga's Memorial

Here is a link to Gonzaga's memorial:

Gonzaga DeGama

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Last Impact before Summer Break - July 9th

This Thursday we'll be hosting a special event of worship and open mic sharing on what we've learned through our study of the book of I Samuel. If you're looking for an opportunity to serve your fellow members at Impact this Thursday is your chance to dive in!

God tells us in I and II Corinthians that He has equipped each believer with a ministry. And one very easy way we can minister to each other is to share what God has revealed to us through the study of His Word. With that in mind, take some time over the next few days to reflect on what you've learned thorugh your time at Impact over the last 12 weeks, and how you're applying it to your life. Then come prepared on Thursday to bless others with your knowledge and be blessed in the sharing.

We'll also have an Ice Cream Potluck:

groups 1-3 ice cream
groups 4-5 sherbet or sorbet
group 6 whip cream and nuts
group 7-8 stawberries, bannanas or other fruit topping
group 9 drinks
group 10 hot fudge or caramel toppings
group 11 paper or plastic bowls

If you already made a pot roast due to last week's incorrect info, bring it anyway.

Special Announcements:

A memorial blog has been started for Gonz. You may contribute any of your thoughts you'd like to share with all his extended family, friends, and associates by sending in an email to:

Here is the blog site:
A memorial service is tentatively set to take place in Mountain View, CA on Saturday, 7/18. More details to be announced later on this blog.

Finally, please send us any pictures of Gonzaga you have that you would like included in a slideshow / video montage that is being prepared. You may email the photos to


Donatation Request: Travel-Sized Toiletries

Jennifer is collecting travel-sized toiletries for an upcoming mission's trip: If you have any she would greatly appreciate them at Impact this Thursday.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thursday, July 2nd

This Thursday, July 2nd, we'll study 1 Samuel 28, 30-31. I encourage you to read the chapters and look over the discussion questions below.

We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. See you soon!

Discussion Questions:
I Samuel 28,30-31
Saul and the Witch of Endor; Finding Strength in God; Gratitude in Action

I Samuel 28
1. Why did Saul expel spiritists and mediums from Israel ? (See Lev. 20:6, 27; 19:31) Why then does he consult one? And why covertly?

2. When God does not appear to answer your prayers, what does His silence make you want to do? (28:6)

I Samuel 30
3. When harm comes to you, your family, or prize possessions, how do you initially respond? With bitterness and fixing blame, or by finding strength in God? What does it mean to find strength in God?

4. How can David’s response in 30:6 help you the next time you are discouraged or facing a big trial? Where could you use God’s divine strength today?

5. What encouragement could you share with someone who’s going through a valley right now?

I Samuel 31
6. Why did the people of Jabesh Gilead retrieve the bodies of Saul and his sons? (see chp 15)

7. Think of some specific kindnesses shown to you and sacrifices made by people in your life. What ways could you express your thanks to them?Why did the people of Jabesh Gilead retrieve the bodies of Saul and his sons? (see chp 15)

8. Think of some specific kindnesses shown to you and sacrifices made by people in your life. What ways could you express your thanks to them?

Questions by Virginia R.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Impact--Thursday, June 11th

This Thursday, June 11th, we'll study 1 Samuel 21-23. I encourage you to read the chapters and look over the discussion questions below.

We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. See you soon!

Discussion Questions:

I Samuel 21

1. Why is it wrong to eat the special bread? In 1 Samuel chapter 13, King Saul made a sacrifice that should not have been done. Saul loses his kingdom. In Chapter 21, David also breaks the law, but suffers no punishment. Why is this?

I Samuel 22

2. What is the change in David's behavior comparing before and after he enters the cave of Adullam.

3. What do you think was going on in the cave? See Psalm 57, 142.

I Samuel 23

4. What does it mean to be a man after God's own heart? What would it look like to be a man (or woman) after God's own heart today?

Questions by Grant Kim

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Impact--Thursday, May 28th

This Thursday, May 28th, we'll study 1 Samuel 16-17. I encourage you to read the chapters and look over the discussion questions below.

We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. See you soon!

Discussion Questions:

I Samuel 16

1. Consider 16:1-3. What does God instruct Samuel to do? Is this deceitful? If not,
why not? Consider also Psalm 18:26 and Matthew 10:16.

2. Consider I Sam 16:12-13. When did the Spirit of God come upon David, and for
what purpose(s)? Did it come to stay? Consider also Psalm 51:11 and John 14:16-17.

3. Read I Sam 10:1, 10:10, 11:6, and 16:14. Did the Spirit of God come upon Saul
when he was annointed ruler over Israel? When did it come upon him, and for what

4. Read Hebrews 6:4-6. Do you think King Saul knew the Lord? What role do you
think the Spirit of God played in Saul's life?

I Samuel 17

5. Consider verses 17:26-30. Did David's brother Eliab have a high regard for him? What does
this say about David's life before his anointing?

6. Consider verses 17:43-47. What is Goliath's taunt to David? What outcome does Goliath
want from the battle? What is David's taunt to Goliath? What outcome does David want from
the battle? How did David's victory impact the Israelite army?

7. What has the Spirit of God empowered you to do (Eph 1:18-20)?

Questions by R Sackman

Monday, May 18, 2009

Impact--Thursday, May 21st

This week we'll be studying 1 Samuel 13-15. We're going to have an interactive study this week and request that each person bring a question according to the following schedule:

Each table group will take one chapter:
1 Samuel 13 (Tables 1-3 + Open Tables)
1 Samuel 14 (Tables 4-7)
1 Samuel 15 (Tables 8-11)

For your chapter, come up with at least one good question / answer to share with your group.

As you think of good questions, please consider these goals of scripture study:
* Goal IS to teach us about God, His divine attributes and character.
* Goal IS to teach us something about ourselves in relation to God's kingdom and the world.
* Goal IS to motivate us to action that demonstrates Christ's resurrection power in us and our transformation in Christ.
* No need to focus too much on Bible trivia.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Impact--Thursday, May 14th

This Thursday, May 14th, we'll study 1 Samuel 9-12. Israel has demanded a King, and though disappointed, God will give them one. We'll study how the Lord's hand directs a series of events to bring Israel their leader and how He uses common people like you and me to do His work.

We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Read ahead of time so you'll be ready for the discussion questions below. I also encourage you to do a SOAP page: a form may be found here. We look forward to seeing you!

I Samuel 9-12: Long Live the King!

Discussion I:
1 Samuel 9-10

Ice Breaker: Tell about a time when you were called to lead others.

1. What are some of the events that lead to Saul becoming king? Which ones seem like a coincidence?

2. Have you ever had a series of coincidences in your life that lead to something you later felt was the Lord’s leading?

3. What was Saul's level of respect among Israel as a Benjamite? Why does God choose ordinary people of low position to fulfill His purpose? Give some examples of ordinary people God has chosen from the Bible.

4. How did Saul react to his call to lead others? How might his reaction have helped his acceptance as king? Has God ever called you to lead others? How are you reacting?

Discussion II
1 Samuel 11-12
5. One recurring theme in these chapters is God's deliverance of His people. Discuss some of the ways God is delivering the Israelites from both internal and external evil or harm in these chapters. Share a recent time in your life when you have seen God deliver you from physical, emotional or spiritual harm?

6. Saul seems to start his kingship out strong. What makes Saul a good leader in this war against the Ammonites and in the victory party afterwards? What are some of the results of his good leadership at the beginning of his reign? Be specific and point to verses if possible.

7. Samuel's farewell speech in Chapter 12 starts by him defending his life to the Israelites and then warns them against a life of disobedience which will lead to their destruction. If Samuel were speaking to the church at large, the followers of Christ, what might he warn us about today? What do you personally need to take heed of from this chapter?

Questions by C Miller & C Kirchner

Monday, May 4, 2009

Thursday, May 7th

This Thursday, May 7th, we will be discussing 1 Samuel 8. We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Read ahead of time so you'll be ready for the discussion questions below. I also encourage you to do a SOAP page: a form may be found here. We look forward to seeing you!

I Samuel 8 – Keeping Up with the Canaanites

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever wanted the right things for the wrong reasons?

(v 1-9)
2. Why do the elders of Israel ask for a King? What is wrong with their request? What is right about it?

(v 10-18)
3. According to Samuel, what are the consequences of having a king?

4. Do you think God was against giving Israel a king? If so, why would He go ahead and give them what they asked for?

(v 19-22)
5. In spite of the warnings they received Israel still demands a king. Have you ever wanted something you knew wasn’t good for you? What were the consequences?

6. In verse 20, the Israelites ask for a king because “Then we will be like all the other nations…” In what ways do we as Christians today try to be like the world around us? How can we be mindful of our motives and avoid compromising God’s standards?

--questions by Simona P.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Impact, Thursday April 16th

This week Impact will be meeting at a different location. The address is 950 Santa Cruz Ave. in the Fellowship Hall. For a map of the campus visit .

We'll be studying 1 Samuel 1-2:11. Here are the questions:

1 Samuel 1:1-28

1.) What are some other examples of women who experienced barrenness in scripture? What do these stories have in common and how do they compare to Hannah? c.f. Genesis 18:1-16, Genesis 25:21, Judges 13:1-31, Luke 1:5-25.

2.) How do you deal with unanswered questions in your life? How do you explain unanswered prayer?

3.) In 1 Sam 1:18 Hannah’s face is no longer downcast. What has happened and why is she no longer sad?

1 Samuel 2:1-11

4.) There are several “songs” in the Bible. How does Hannah’s song compare to Mary’s Song (Luke 1 46-55)

5.) What does it mean “It is not by strength that one prevails” in 1 Sam 2:9. c.f. Zechariah 4:6 Are there examples in your life where you have seen this demonstrated?

Questions by Grant Kim

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maundy Thursday Service at Menlo Park (not Mountain View)

Please note that the prior blog post indicated Impact would meet at Mountain View church location for tonight's Maundy Thursday service. Note that this is incorrect. The details sent via email to the Impact distribution list are correct. Here they are repeated:

We welcome you to join fellow members of Impactin attending the service at the main sanctuary on Santa Cruz Avenue. If you want to sit with the group, meet over at 700 Santa Cruz no later than 7:15 PM. From there we’ll walk over to the main sanctuary to attend the service, which begins at 7:30 PM. Or drive to the main campus and find us inside the church.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Maundy Service This Thursday, April 9th

This Thursday, April 9th, Impact will be attending Menlo Presbyterian's Maundy Service hosted at Open Door Church Mountain View. Impact will not meet at the regular place!

When? Thursday April 9th at 7:00 PM

Where? Open Door Church Mountain View: 1667 Miramonte Ave., Mountain View, CA 94040

Directions: Click Here

If you missed last Thursday or would like to see Paul's powerpoint slides and discussion notes, click here!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Introduction to 1st Samuel & Potluck - April 2nd

This Thursday Impact is starting a new series: 1st Samuel.

If you're thinking of joining Impact, this is an excellent time to come! Paul Baty will be giving an introduction to 1st Samuel and we will have a Potluck. If this is your first time, just come and enjoy the fellowship and have dinner with us!

Potluck Last Name:
A - F vegetables or salad
G - M main or side dish
N - Q fruit or dessert
R - Z bottled water or drinks

Handouts may be found here.

Impact will meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. We look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Impact, Thursday March 19th

It is my pleasure to announce that Karl Miller will be guest speaking at Impact for the next two weeks. Please join us this Thursday to hear Dr. Miller’s first session, Time of Your Life, where he’ll discuss our life cycles and how we may grow “in statue with God and man” at each stage of life.

Impact will meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. We look forward to seeing you!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Impact, Thursday March 12th

This Thursday we’ll complete the Spiritual Formation series (the last email said we would start 1 Samuel, but we will not start 1 Samuel until March 19th.

If you need a workbook we’re sold out, but you may order one online: “A Spiritual Formation Workbook” by James Bryan Smith with Lynda Graybeal.

More information on the book may be found online here.

Handouts may be found here.

Impact will meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. We look forward to seeing you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Impact - Thursday January 29th

This Thursday we’ll continue in the Spiritual Formation series with session three, “Practicing the Virtuous Life”.

If you need a workbook we’re sold out, but you may order one online: “A Spiritual Formation Workbook” by James Bryan Smith with Lynda Graybeal.

More information on the book may be found online here.

Handouts may be found here.

Impact will meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. We look forward to seeing you!