Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mark 3 Jesus heals and chooses the 12

I hope you can join us tonight as we see the beginning of the plotting against Jesus, as he heals a man on the Sabbath. Bring your daily page and join us for discussion at 7 pm:

Discussion Questions Mark 3

Mark 3:1-21

A man with a paralyzed hand is healed

Jesus selects the twelve

  1. When Jesus arrived at the synagogue, a delegation of scribes and Pharisees were already lying “in wait” to see if Jesus would heal on the Sabbath. What is significant to you about the way Jesus interacts with the man with the withered hand and also how he interacts with those who were watching? How is it relevant to us? Why were the Pharisees so enraged?

2. At this point, Jesus appoints 12 disciples but his own family and friends are not supportive of his ministry. Why would this be?

Mark 3:22-35

Scribes accuse Jesus of being the ruler of the demons

Jesus defines the family of God

  1. What does it mean to blaspheme against God and what is the unpardonable sin?

2. Why is it important for Jesus to define who his family is? Do we also need to make the same definition in our relationships?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving and Small Groups

It was great to celebrate and worship with all of you this last Thursday night at Impact! The small groups are now formed for Impact and if you missed Thursday, the new groups are listed below. This coming Thanksgiving we will not be having an Impact meeting at church, but Fay Farrow has offered to open up her home for those who would like to enjoy Thanksgiving with friends. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday full of blessing!

Thanksgiving Potluck

Come and have a home away from home Thanksgiving dinner at Fay's place at 1929 Crisanto Ave #1201 in Mountain View (behind Rengstorff Park in the Park Plaza Apts). The main course will be provided so bring your favorite side dish or desert. Dinner will start at 2:30pm on Thursday, Nov 22nd. If you are interested please RSVP by Tuesday, November 20th at 650-868-4482 or email


Group #1 Virginia R.

David W.
David L.

Group #2 Paul B.

Glen M.

Group #3 Lara L.

Joe K.
Kristin S.
Michelle B.
Angela Y.

Group #4 Christl

Lisa C.
Tom M.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thanksgiving Night this Thursday, Nov. 15

This Thursday, November 15, we are hosting a night of worship and Thanksgiving at Impact. The potluck dinner is at 7 pm at 700 Santa Cruz. This is also our first night of gathering the new small groups. Feel free to join us whether you are in a small group or joining a group at an open table. The Common Culture band will be leading us in a time of worship as we share with each other how we see God working in our lives.

Potluck dinner suggestions:

Last name:

A - D Fruit or Dessert

E - H bottle water or drinks

I - N main or side dish

O - Z vegetable dish or salad


November 22 -- No Impact meeting (Thanksgiving)

November 29 Gospel of Mark Chapter 3

December 6 Gospel of Mark Chapter 4

December 13 Gospel of Mark Chapter 5

December 20 Prayer and Celebration Night

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mark Chapter 2 this Thursday, Nov. 8

This Thursday at Impact we will be reading together MARK 2 and discussing the events of this chapter. Impact will also be meeting in Room C-21 on the MPPC campus (instead of at 700 Santa Cruz) We hope you will join us at 7 pm for an interesting night of discussion, including some extra question and answer time. Below are the discussion time questions for those of you who want to think about these ahead of time:

Mark 2:1-17
A Paralytic is healed
Jesus calls Matthew / Jesus eats with sinners and tax-collectors

  1. After hearing this passage about the healing of the paralytic, what stands out to you?
  2. What does Jesus perceive as the paralytic’s greatest need?
  3. What was Jesus impressed by in this scene? What can we personally learn from this?
  4. In verse 17, Jesus says, “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” What does this tell you about spiritual health? What does it take to get healthy?

Mark 2:18-28

The disciples and fasting (Parable of Cloth and Wineskins)
The disciples and the issue of the Sabbath

1. The day this scene occurred was on a fast day. The law of Moses required only one day a year to be a fast day—the day known as Yom Kippur, or the day of atonement, which Jews observe to this day. But the Pharisees over time designated more and more days to fasting, for they regarded it as the best way to get God’s attention and to draw attention to their own piety.

What is Jesus trying to teach them about the difference between a new relationship vs. the ritual of the past? Why can’t you patch up the old?

2. What is Jesus teaching the Pharisees about “the law” in vs. 23-28?