Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Impact Thursday May 26th

Hello Impacters! This Thursday we'll be studying Ephesians 3. Please read the chapter and review the questions below. Impact will meet at their normal time, 7:00 PM in the normal place, 700 Santa Cruz Blvd., Menlo Park CA.

1. What is the Biblical context of Chapter 3?

2. Where was Paul when he wrote this letter to the Ephesians?

The Mystery of Christ Eph 3: 1-7
3. Define what is the Mystery of Christ?
Share how you are currently experience this
revelation from Heaven

The Riches of Christ Eph. 3:8-13
4. What does Paul mean when he speaks of
experiencing the riches of Christ ?

The Love of Christ Eph. 3:14-21
3. What progress are you making by the help of the Holy Spirit
in understanding that your current life is
rooted and grounded in the Love of Christ?
Share a few examples.

4. What does Paul mean when he speaks of the "fullness of God
in Christ?

Are you at this time in your life experiencing the
Fullness of God in Christ?
Discuss an example of that gift from God

5. What does Paul mean when he speaks of experiencing the
riches of Christ ?

How did he experience the riches of Christ?

6. Can you explain in your own words "The mystery of God"

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Impact May 19

Impact will meet tonight at the normal location, 700 Santa Cruz Blvd., Menlo Park and at the normal time: 7:00pm. See you tonight!

Study Questions:

1.) What connection exists between chapters 1 and 2? Is there a connection worth noting?

2.) At the end of verse three what is meant by the statement "we were by nature objects of wrath?

3.) "Do you feel you were made alive with Christ??" How is your walk with God right now?

4.) Verse 4 talks about this great love that God has for us. Is there a time that you felt this love personally? Where in scripture can you find other examples of God's great love?

5.) What is the difference( or is there a difference) between the works talked about in verse 9 and doing good works in Christ in verse 10?

6.) What does it mean that circumcision was done "by the hands of men"? Why is this important for Paul to bring up?

7.) In verse 21 Paul talks about a temple, is this an earthly temple or a spiritual one?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Impact Thursday May 12th

This Thursday we will get into Ephesians Chapter 1, Joanie Tankersely will be our teacher, she is the Pastor of Adult Spiritual Formation at MPPC. As always please be sure you spend time in the Word and be prepared to participate in the discussion. Please review the questions below. Have a great week and see you Thursday.


We’ll meet in our normal place, 700 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park CA at 7:00 PM.

Discussion Questions

Ephesians Chapter 1

1. Identify the particular spiritual blessings Paul enumerates for those who are “in Christ” in chapter 1. Share with each other 1-2 of these blessings that has particular meaning for you in your life right now and why this is so.

2. Read vs. 4-5 alongside vs. 11-12 and compare with Paul’s comments in Romans 8:28-30. These are the 4 occurrences in the New Testament that contain the word “predestined”. Discuss your understanding of this concept. How does this concept of being “predestined” impact your life?

3. Paul prays an impassioned prayer for believers beginning in v. 15. With the knowledge that God wants to speak personally to each of us whenever we come to his Word, what aspects of Paul’s prayer might represent something you need from God and share how that part of Paul’s prayer applies to your life currently.

4. Vs. 19-23 indicate a shift in Paul’s focus. To what does Paul now turn his attention and of what importance is that focus to us?

Questions by Joannie T.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Impact Thursday May 5th

This week we’ll start a new series in the book of Ephesians: we'll be studying the background of Ephesians and then study Ephesians chapter by chapter. If you'd like to get started, the background reading is Acts chapter 19 which describes the Apostle Paul's visit to Ephesus.

Here are the discussion questions for this week from Grant K.:

Assignment: Please read Acts 19. Wait a minute; that’s not Ephesians? Acts 19 is the story of Paul’s visit to Ephesus many years before he wrote the letter to the Ephesians. Also read all of Ephesians—it’s not that long; you can do it.

Ephesians Introduction

1. Imagine you only had a short time to live. Imagine writing a letter describing what it means to be a follower of Christ. What would be in your letter? In other words, what are the essential beliefs or actions required?

2. In Paul’s time there was often tension between Jews and Greeks. This was not merely a racial issue, but frequently it was an issue between people who had grown up knowing the Hebrew God and people who were newcomers. What can we do today to improve connection between “old-timers” and newcomers to the Christian faith? What are the sins of “old-timers” that make it difficult for newcomers to integrate?

3. What does it mean to submit to a parent/spouse/boss when that person has a minor flaw? What does it mean to submit to a parent/spouse/boss when that person has a major flaw? (ethical failure, substance abuse, violence, incest) Describe how you submit to the people in your life?

4. Do you believe in angels, demons? Can you describe an experience of spiritual warfare in your life? How did you respond?