Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thursday, July 2nd

This Thursday, July 2nd, we'll study 1 Samuel 28, 30-31. I encourage you to read the chapters and look over the discussion questions below.

We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. See you soon!

Discussion Questions:
I Samuel 28,30-31
Saul and the Witch of Endor; Finding Strength in God; Gratitude in Action

I Samuel 28
1. Why did Saul expel spiritists and mediums from Israel ? (See Lev. 20:6, 27; 19:31) Why then does he consult one? And why covertly?

2. When God does not appear to answer your prayers, what does His silence make you want to do? (28:6)

I Samuel 30
3. When harm comes to you, your family, or prize possessions, how do you initially respond? With bitterness and fixing blame, or by finding strength in God? What does it mean to find strength in God?

4. How can David’s response in 30:6 help you the next time you are discouraged or facing a big trial? Where could you use God’s divine strength today?

5. What encouragement could you share with someone who’s going through a valley right now?

I Samuel 31
6. Why did the people of Jabesh Gilead retrieve the bodies of Saul and his sons? (see chp 15)

7. Think of some specific kindnesses shown to you and sacrifices made by people in your life. What ways could you express your thanks to them?Why did the people of Jabesh Gilead retrieve the bodies of Saul and his sons? (see chp 15)

8. Think of some specific kindnesses shown to you and sacrifices made by people in your life. What ways could you express your thanks to them?

Questions by Virginia R.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Impact--Thursday, June 11th

This Thursday, June 11th, we'll study 1 Samuel 21-23. I encourage you to read the chapters and look over the discussion questions below.

We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. See you soon!

Discussion Questions:

I Samuel 21

1. Why is it wrong to eat the special bread? In 1 Samuel chapter 13, King Saul made a sacrifice that should not have been done. Saul loses his kingdom. In Chapter 21, David also breaks the law, but suffers no punishment. Why is this?

I Samuel 22

2. What is the change in David's behavior comparing before and after he enters the cave of Adullam.

3. What do you think was going on in the cave? See Psalm 57, 142.

I Samuel 23

4. What does it mean to be a man after God's own heart? What would it look like to be a man (or woman) after God's own heart today?

Questions by Grant Kim