Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Impact Thursday March 24th

This week Impact will continue a series taught by Jeff Finger titled: "What is God Trying to tell Us?"; this week's topic will be "Life Together". Jeff Finger is currently on staff with MPPC.

 Jeff Finger graduated with a Masters of Divinity Degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and has fifteen years of teaching experience in churches as well as recently led the Saturday Morning Men's Bible Study at MPPC where he also taught this series.
"What is God Trying to Tell Us?" steps back to explore the big picture of the Gospel message looking at six major themes as listed below. This study is great if you are seeking to know the overarching themes of Scripture as well as wanting to go deeper in your understanding of God's message to us through His Word. All are welcome to come and join us for this multimedia, interactive and dynamic study that will encourage and challenge you.

We will meet in our normal place this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz Ave. Building Menlo Park.

Remaining Series Schedule:

March 24 - Life Together
March 31 - The Crucible of Love
April 7 - The People We Become
April 14 - Our Pursuit of Others

Study Questions - Not Available - Check Back Soon!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Impact Thursday March 17th

This week Impact will continue a series taught by Jeff Finger titled: What is God Trying to tell Us?; this week's topic will be Our Choice to Follow. Jeff Finger is currently on staff with MPPC. He graduated with a Masters of Divinity Degree from Asbury Theological Seminary and has fifteen years of teaching experience in churches as well as recently led the Saturday Morning Men's Bible Study at MPPC where he also taught this series.

What is God Trying to Tell Us? steps back to explore the big picture of the Gospel message looking at six major themes as listed below. This study is great if you are seeking to know the overarching themes of Scripture as well as wanting to go deeper in your understanding of God's message to us through His Word. All are welcome to come and join us for this multimedia, interactive and dynamic study that will encourage and challenge you.

We will meet in our normal place this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz Ave. Building Menlo Park.

Session 2: Our Choice to Follow

Question Cluster 1:
• Describe some ways in which you may have “hedged your bet” or put off decision in the past when it comes to your relationship with God.

Question Cluster 2:
• What are some of the ways you hear colleagues and friends characterize the “choice” for “Christianity?”
• What are your obstacles to following Jesus?
• In what ways have you grown in your own understanding of what you have “chosen” in following Jesus?

Question Cluster 3:
• Can you recall and describe the way in which you initially chose to be in relationship with Jesus?
• What were some of the challenges to that first step?
• How did the choice begin to take effect practically? How does it have practical effect now?
• What are some ways that you have yet to choose to follow Jesus in your life? What areas of life still present a challenge to you when it comes to trusting Jesus?

Scripture References
Deuteronomy 30:15-20 • Joshua 24:15
Mark 1:16-20 • Luke 3:10-14
John 6:66-67 • Revelation 3:20

Questions by Jeff Finger

Monday, March 7, 2011

Impact Thursday March 10th

This week Jeff Finger will kick off a six week series titled What is God Trying to Tell Us?. This series is meant to go deep and to be challenging for everyone, and you are highly encouraged to come and bring your friends as well. This series is designed to be helpful for those who are seeking as well, so please feel free to invite anyone you know who is curious about God. I am really looking forward to going through this series with you!

Study questions below--


6 Week Series Schedule:

March 10 - April 14: "What is God Trying to Tell Us?", taught by Jeff Finger

March 10 - God's Pursuit of Us
March 17 - Our Choice to Follow
March 24 - Life Together
March 31 - The Crucible of Love
April 7 - The People We Become
April 14 - Our Pursuit of Others

Session 1: God’s Pursuit of Us
Question Cluster 1:

• In what ways have you sensed God creating a space for you to…be?
• Where have you seen God provide for you so that you could flourish?
• If it’s your desire to follow God, how might you reflect Him by creating space for those around you?

Question Cluster 2:

• What are some of the ways you’ve essentially run from God?
• Describe ways you have sensed that God has invited you…to relate to Him directly?
• Describe ways you have sensed that God has invited you…to consider following him in His ways?

Question Cluster 3:

• What are the ways you’ve seen God remain in your life despite your instinct to remain distant from Him?
• What was the oddest, most unlikely context where you’ve sensed God reaching to you?

Scripture References

Genesis 3:8-9, 24; 12:1 Exodus 2:1-10
Judges 1:1ff 1 Samuel 8:1-8
2 Samuel 12:1 Exodus 13:21; 3; 31:18
Daniel 5:1-6 Numbers 22:22ff.
1 Kings 18:20, 19:9-13 Psalm 139:7-12
Hebrews 1:1-3

Questions by Jeff Finger

Questions from Psalm 126

Here were the questions from Psalm 126 that we studied a few weeks ago:
Psalm 126 -- A song of ascents.

1. Many scholars agree that Psalm 126 describes the Israelites when they were set free from Babylonian captivity and allowed to return to Jerusalem. From the first three verses, what kinds of things did they feel and experience?

2. Share a good time remembered from your own life when you knew God was at work.
3. How did Peter’s experience in Acts 12:3-11 parallel the exiles in Psalm 126:1-3? Have you ever experienced something almost too good to be true? Describe a situation when God did something that you could hardly believe and knew you didn’t deserve.

4. Reading through the rest of the Psalm, share something you’re hoping God will yet accomplish in your life.

5. Looking at verses 5 and 6, what does God promise and what are the conditions for each promise?

6. Read Luke 8:11-15. What is the seed? Why don’t those in verse 12 produce a crop? Verse 13? Verse 14? Why do those in verse 15 produce one?
7. How does Galatians 6:9 convey the element of time in the process of the harvest? How could you apply this verse to situations you’re facing right now?

Questions by Virginia R.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Impact Thursday March 3rd

This week we'll be studying Psalm 90 and Mark Kahn will lead our discussion time. Please read Psalm 90 and review the questions below. I look forward to studying with you!
We will meet in our normal place this Thursday at 7:00 PM in the 700 Santa Cruz Ave. Building Menlo Park.
Impact is a ministry of MPPC under Adult Spiritual Formation for those in their 30's and 40's, both single and married, to connect and build authentic and transformative Christ-centered relationships, explore the Christian faith, and live out our faith in action. For more information regarding other ministries and service opportunities at MPPC go to"

Psalm 90

1. What does Psalm 90 teach us about God?

2. What do we learn about the human condition from Psalm 90?

3. Psalm 90 divides into six sections. How would you title each section?





4. What verse or thought in Psalm 90 stands out most to you and why?