Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Impact--Thursday, May 28th

This Thursday, May 28th, we'll study 1 Samuel 16-17. I encourage you to read the chapters and look over the discussion questions below.

We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. See you soon!

Discussion Questions:

I Samuel 16

1. Consider 16:1-3. What does God instruct Samuel to do? Is this deceitful? If not,
why not? Consider also Psalm 18:26 and Matthew 10:16.

2. Consider I Sam 16:12-13. When did the Spirit of God come upon David, and for
what purpose(s)? Did it come to stay? Consider also Psalm 51:11 and John 14:16-17.

3. Read I Sam 10:1, 10:10, 11:6, and 16:14. Did the Spirit of God come upon Saul
when he was annointed ruler over Israel? When did it come upon him, and for what

4. Read Hebrews 6:4-6. Do you think King Saul knew the Lord? What role do you
think the Spirit of God played in Saul's life?

I Samuel 17

5. Consider verses 17:26-30. Did David's brother Eliab have a high regard for him? What does
this say about David's life before his anointing?

6. Consider verses 17:43-47. What is Goliath's taunt to David? What outcome does Goliath
want from the battle? What is David's taunt to Goliath? What outcome does David want from
the battle? How did David's victory impact the Israelite army?

7. What has the Spirit of God empowered you to do (Eph 1:18-20)?

Questions by R Sackman

Monday, May 18, 2009

Impact--Thursday, May 21st

This week we'll be studying 1 Samuel 13-15. We're going to have an interactive study this week and request that each person bring a question according to the following schedule:

Each table group will take one chapter:
1 Samuel 13 (Tables 1-3 + Open Tables)
1 Samuel 14 (Tables 4-7)
1 Samuel 15 (Tables 8-11)

For your chapter, come up with at least one good question / answer to share with your group.

As you think of good questions, please consider these goals of scripture study:
* Goal IS to teach us about God, His divine attributes and character.
* Goal IS to teach us something about ourselves in relation to God's kingdom and the world.
* Goal IS to motivate us to action that demonstrates Christ's resurrection power in us and our transformation in Christ.
* No need to focus too much on Bible trivia.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Impact--Thursday, May 14th

This Thursday, May 14th, we'll study 1 Samuel 9-12. Israel has demanded a King, and though disappointed, God will give them one. We'll study how the Lord's hand directs a series of events to bring Israel their leader and how He uses common people like you and me to do His work.

We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Read ahead of time so you'll be ready for the discussion questions below. I also encourage you to do a SOAP page: a form may be found here. We look forward to seeing you!

I Samuel 9-12: Long Live the King!

Discussion I:
1 Samuel 9-10

Ice Breaker: Tell about a time when you were called to lead others.

1. What are some of the events that lead to Saul becoming king? Which ones seem like a coincidence?

2. Have you ever had a series of coincidences in your life that lead to something you later felt was the Lord’s leading?

3. What was Saul's level of respect among Israel as a Benjamite? Why does God choose ordinary people of low position to fulfill His purpose? Give some examples of ordinary people God has chosen from the Bible.

4. How did Saul react to his call to lead others? How might his reaction have helped his acceptance as king? Has God ever called you to lead others? How are you reacting?

Discussion II
1 Samuel 11-12
5. One recurring theme in these chapters is God's deliverance of His people. Discuss some of the ways God is delivering the Israelites from both internal and external evil or harm in these chapters. Share a recent time in your life when you have seen God deliver you from physical, emotional or spiritual harm?

6. Saul seems to start his kingship out strong. What makes Saul a good leader in this war against the Ammonites and in the victory party afterwards? What are some of the results of his good leadership at the beginning of his reign? Be specific and point to verses if possible.

7. Samuel's farewell speech in Chapter 12 starts by him defending his life to the Israelites and then warns them against a life of disobedience which will lead to their destruction. If Samuel were speaking to the church at large, the followers of Christ, what might he warn us about today? What do you personally need to take heed of from this chapter?

Questions by C Miller & C Kirchner

Monday, May 4, 2009

Thursday, May 7th

This Thursday, May 7th, we will be discussing 1 Samuel 8. We meet from 7-9 pm at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Read ahead of time so you'll be ready for the discussion questions below. I also encourage you to do a SOAP page: a form may be found here. We look forward to seeing you!

I Samuel 8 – Keeping Up with the Canaanites

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever wanted the right things for the wrong reasons?

(v 1-9)
2. Why do the elders of Israel ask for a King? What is wrong with their request? What is right about it?

(v 10-18)
3. According to Samuel, what are the consequences of having a king?

4. Do you think God was against giving Israel a king? If so, why would He go ahead and give them what they asked for?

(v 19-22)
5. In spite of the warnings they received Israel still demands a king. Have you ever wanted something you knew wasn’t good for you? What were the consequences?

6. In verse 20, the Israelites ask for a king because “Then we will be like all the other nations…” In what ways do we as Christians today try to be like the world around us? How can we be mindful of our motives and avoid compromising God’s standards?

--questions by Simona P.