Monday, July 13, 2009

Gonzaga's Memorial

Here is a link to Gonzaga's memorial:

Gonzaga DeGama

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Last Impact before Summer Break - July 9th

This Thursday we'll be hosting a special event of worship and open mic sharing on what we've learned through our study of the book of I Samuel. If you're looking for an opportunity to serve your fellow members at Impact this Thursday is your chance to dive in!

God tells us in I and II Corinthians that He has equipped each believer with a ministry. And one very easy way we can minister to each other is to share what God has revealed to us through the study of His Word. With that in mind, take some time over the next few days to reflect on what you've learned thorugh your time at Impact over the last 12 weeks, and how you're applying it to your life. Then come prepared on Thursday to bless others with your knowledge and be blessed in the sharing.

We'll also have an Ice Cream Potluck:

groups 1-3 ice cream
groups 4-5 sherbet or sorbet
group 6 whip cream and nuts
group 7-8 stawberries, bannanas or other fruit topping
group 9 drinks
group 10 hot fudge or caramel toppings
group 11 paper or plastic bowls

If you already made a pot roast due to last week's incorrect info, bring it anyway.

Special Announcements:

A memorial blog has been started for Gonz. You may contribute any of your thoughts you'd like to share with all his extended family, friends, and associates by sending in an email to:

Here is the blog site:
A memorial service is tentatively set to take place in Mountain View, CA on Saturday, 7/18. More details to be announced later on this blog.

Finally, please send us any pictures of Gonzaga you have that you would like included in a slideshow / video montage that is being prepared. You may email the photos to


Donatation Request: Travel-Sized Toiletries

Jennifer is collecting travel-sized toiletries for an upcoming mission's trip: If you have any she would greatly appreciate them at Impact this Thursday.