Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Impact Thursday February 11th

Impact will meet this Thursday to study Romans Chapter 10. "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Paul continues to proclaim the Good News that we are saved by faith through Jesus Christ. It is in our mouths and hearts: we confess that God raised Jesus from the dead and believe this with our hearts--we are saved. Jesus is our savior and we all have feet to proclaim this good news to everyone. "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

Please read Romans 10 and review the questions below.

Discussion Questions:

Romans 10:1-4
1.Describe in your own words why the Israelites (Paul's fellow Jews) were "missing the boat" when it came to saving faith?

2.Do you think God accepts people of non-Christian faiths because He sees they are zealous, sincere, deeply committed, and worship God according to what they believe? Defend your answer.
Romans 10:5-15
3. Describe the contrast Paul set up in v5-8 between what is required to obtain law righteousness as compared to faith righteousness.

4.Explain what each of the following phrases means to you:
     a. Confess with your mouth
     b. Believe in your heart
     c. Jesus is Lord

5.How do the promises in v11-13 speak to you?

6.From v14 &15 what steps are essential for a person to be able to call upon the Lord?What part are you playing in this chain of events that enables a lost person to know how he or she can be saved?

Romans 10:16-21
9.Describe Israel's fault in her unbelief from these verses.

10.What do you learn about God's heart from the final verse of this chapter?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Impact Thursday Feb. 5th

Tonight at Impact we will study Romans Chapter 9. Please read the chapter. Questions will be provided at Impact.

Impact meets Thursdays from 7-9 PM at 700 Santa Cruz behind Ace Hardware in Menlo Park. Impact is a ministry of Menlo Park Presbyterian Church. We are a community where single and married people in their 30's can connect with each other, explore the Christian faith, and grow on a deep level around the issues we face at this stage of our lives.